Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Chile, Colombia, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Sweden, Viet Nam, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Greece.United Kingdom, United States

Popular Posts

Tony Lee Curtis

Has passed; at age 85. His daughter Jamie Lee Curtis has stated that her father, "...will be missed".

Story Continues...

The Hermaphrodite: Oakleigh Marie Reed or Oak Marshall

"...They told me that they took me off because they had to invalidate all of my votes because I'm enrolled at Mona Shores as a female..." Quoting: Oakleigh Marie Reed

At Mona Shores High School in Muskegon, Michigan, the hermaphrodite Oak Marshall was voted Homecoming King. Shortly after his win, the principal informed the teenager that his votes were invalidated because the school has him enrolled as a female.

Oak was born as a hermaphrodite and she's in transition to become a male. As she transitions, the school has allowed her to dress as a male but, his gender status remain as "female" in school records.

Story Continues...

The Hermaphrodite: James or Victoria Carmen White

This is James White, nine years after sex-change surgery and four years after legally changing his name to Victoria Carmen.

The NJ.com reports:

The victim of a fatal shooting in Maplewood on Sunday was a woman, not a man, as had first been reported, the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office announced today.

Victoria Carmen White was a post-operative transgender female having undergone sex reassignment surgery, the prosecutor’s office said. Her birth name was James White, the name authorities provided following her death.

Her birth certificate was legally changed to reflect the new name. Her age was also incorrect; she was 28 years old, not 29.

White, of Newark, was killed at 5 a.m. in a relative’s home on the 100 block of Jacoby Street. The case is still being investigated, and no arrest has been made or motive given.

Story Continues...

Douglas "Black" Bowman

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Everytime a black related blog, social networking site or adult related website is created, the view source code always reveal the design team as stopdesign. After this is discovered, the creative team members are instructed to remove the web address www.stopdesign.com out of their page source codes (right click...view source). Stop design has been credited for adding their design spins to the following websites; Blackplanet, Concreteloop, Bossip, Theybf, Blackpeople Meet, Blackhat World and most recently Rhymeswithsnitch.

The person who has been credited for developing the websites listed above, is known around the industry as "Black Douglas" but his biological name is Douglas Bowman and he's a well known UI designer who left google to become creative director for twitter.

So, remain mindful that you're not actually supporting black sites who dish out the latest on black celebrities. Truthfully speaking, you are supporting websites with the black culture in mind.

Story Continues...

How You Can Enjoy Some Great Benefits of Healthy Eating

With regards to losing fat, there are so many choices out there that you can easily become distracted. There are diets that allow you to eat a great deal of one thing so long as you steer well clear of something else, and you can find physical exercise regimes that don't involve much actual physical exercise. There appears to be an industry designed to think up ever more improbable techniques of stopping weight gain, but when you come to truly consider it, the only sure way to maintain a healthy weight is to eat healthily.

Photo: dailymail.co.uk

Each human being has a specific calorific need, and if you exceed that without exercising to burn off the excess calories you will find that you gain weight. There are more considerations as well, for instance how many calories in a food come from fat, but in the main, it really is about obtaining the right balance of calories. You will need to eat healthily to lose weight healthily and keep it off, and there's no getting around that fact.
Deciding on a diet plan to follow depends on showing common sense. It would be fantastic if we were able to eat what we wanted, do what we wanted and never gain fat. However, sacrifices are required if you want to live a healthy lifestyle and after a while they will turn out to be second nature. Eating healthily does not mean eating boring food - but we are conditioned to think that if it's healthy for you it cannot be enjoyable. Breaking that specific mindset is the very first key in a weight loss plan.

The best way to Eat Healthily Without Getting Bored
The persistent allegation about eating healthily is that it means a boring diet filled with tasteless rabbit foods, and no fun ever again. This has been the cause of many a broken diet, and will no doubt continue to dissuade people from healthier lifestyles. And the worst thing about it is that it really is not true. Eating healthily and enjoying it depends upon looking a little beyond the obvious options.

At your local supermarket, it is not that difficult to spot the unhealthy options, as they are usually packaged excitingly, with pictures designed to make you feel that the foods inside the packet will be delicious and enthralling. Meanwhile, the healthy choices are packaged as you would expect them to be - plain packets and a sober typeface on the label.

But eating healthily isn't about just picking out the stuff which is labelled in a boring way. It is about thinking about what makes a food healthy. Being prepared to be a little more ambitious in the kitchen helps. Many of us do not have much time for cooking, so putting a ready meal in the microwave becomes the simple option. If you cook from natural ingredients you can lose pounds and feel better, so making the time to cook is a good idea.

It is not necessary to stand over a hot stove for hours in order to make a healthy meal. You can make a good sandwich with wholemeal bread, tuna and some salad which, if seasoned correctly, can taste much better than anything you'll purchase at the deli counter. What's more, it will only take a few momemts to do.

About the Author
Keep eating healthy,stay away from eating disorder,reading more about healthy eating,please click Do I Have an Eating Disorder and treatment for eating disorders.

[bomb.tv] アイドル夏合宿 4位美女

鎌田奈津美 生年月日/1988.8.19 出身地/兵庫県
身長/153cm B/82 W/59 H/85
血液型/A 所屬事務所/アーティストボックス

小泉麻耶 生年月日/1988.7.2 出身地/東京都
身長/163cm B/88 W/60 H/85
血液型/A 所屬事務所/OFJOYTOY

中村靜香 生年月日/1988.9.9 出身地/京都府
身長/163cm B/85 W/60 H/86
血液型/O 所屬事務所/オスカープロモーション

村上友梨 生年月日/1992.11.7 出身地/広島県
身長/168cm B/92 W/58 H/84
血液型/A 所屬事務所/A-PLUS

[日本] F罩杯巨乳Mai Nishida 西田麻衣 - 『このカラダ反則!』

西田麻衣 (Mai Nishida)

19歲偶像女星西田麻衣於06年以泳裝模特身份出道,此後還出演過電視劇《魔法老師》,另外發行過《純情微笑》等不少寫真DVD作品,長相甜美,擁有F罩杯巨乳的西田麻衣在寫真模特界非常受歡迎,西田麻衣曾在藝能事務所Space Craft主辦的「泳裝偶像選拔賽2006」中獲得大獎,這位從大型選秀活動出道的18歲偶像新人最近剛剛拍攝了寫真DVD《麻衣,初次見面》,新作已於 2007/06/20日上市。西田麻衣發行最新寫真 性感浴衣暴露F罩杯。

儘管西田麻衣身高只有158cm,但是她卻擁有一雙誘人的F罩杯美乳,加上漂亮的纖腰、柔軟的身體和甜美的聲音,她的作品立刻吸引了不少粉絲。在新作 DVD中,西田麻衣嘗試了各種各樣的泳裝,

Maya Angelou

"...I myself am a victim of sexual assault...something I wrote about in ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings...My family had the man arrested; the man was put in jail [for] one day and night and released...Some huge white policeman came three days later to my mother’s mother’s house and said the man was found dead, kicked to death." Quoting: Maya Angelou

On September 30th, Maya Angelou will speak out against sexual abuse at the Providence Performing Arts Center in Providence Rhode Island.

[影片] 2010/09/24 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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[日本] Reimi Tachibana 立花麗美 『曲線“麗”美』

立花 麗美(たちばな れいみ )
三圍:83 - 57 - 84 cm

[image.tv] 2010.9月號 巨乳磯山沙也加

磯山 さやか 磯山沙也加
愛稱 いそっち
生年月日 1983年10月23日
現年齢 26歳
出身地 日本 茨城県鉾田市
血液型 A型
身長 / 體重 155 cm / ─ kg
スリーサイズ 88 - 60 - 85 cm
ブラのサイズ F
靴のサイズ 24 cm

Chaz Bono

After recently hosting a seminar on media activism with Nick Adams at the 20th Annual Atlanta Conference on Hermaphroditism, Chaz Bono is preparing to drop a documentary about her transition from female to male. It's possible that Rosie O' Donnell will produce this for Oprah's network OWN.

[影片] 2010/09/23 美國職棒每日精彩好球

克里夫蘭印地安人 (CLE) VS 明尼蘇達雙城 (MIN) (1 : 5)

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[日本] Saaya 紗綾 - 『☆2ケ月連続真夏の紗綾まつりPART1☆』

紗綾(さあや、1993年11月15日 - )は、日本のグラビアアイドル、女優である。

可愛的日本女星,長得很清純.. 站長推薦

[日本] Momoco Tani 谷桃子

Momoco Tani谷桃子小檔案
三圍:B88 W58 H87

The Hermaphrodite: Kathlyn or Stephen Beatty

Annette Bening and Warren Beatty's oldest daughter - Kathlyn Beatty - is planning to undergo a sex change operation; to become a male. At age 18, Kathlyn has already began living life as a male name Stephen Ira and his (or her) parents differ on the transition. Many websites are reporting that Annette Bening and Warren Beatty are separated and leaning towards obtaining a Divorce. The National Enquirer has reported that Kathlyn, "...dresses as a male, has short hair and attends college as a young man".

Story Continues...

[日本] 正妹 佐々木希 sasaki nozomi

[VYJ] Nozomi Sasaki (佐々木希)

[影片] 2010/09/22 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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[YS-web] Megumi Haruno 春野恵 - 『爆裂巨乳っ子エントリー!!』

Megumi Haruno (春野恵)

[YS-WEB]巨乳美少女 Ai Shinozaki 篠崎愛 『Good Love♡』

目前日本頗有名的童顏巨乳 篠崎愛
現年齡:17歲 出身地:東京都
身高:158 cm 
胸罩的尺寸 F 興趣:歌唱


The Green diet- help your digestion, feel better, save the world

You can fit a diet that will change your life into green shopping bags. Good food can do things which nothing else can, and do them brilliantly. The Green diet is all about food value, and it’s a true breakthrough in common sense dieting.

Green Hamburger
Photo: Svadilfari

Diet facts

The human body requires:
  • Proteins
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Green vegetable materials
  • Carbohydrates
The problem is that a lack of these vital requirements is pretty easy with the modern diet. Processed food often loses nutrients through water leaching and overzealous use of additives and other materials which replace food with basically useless non-food.

Raw food, by contrast, is all food. This is the essence of a Green diet.

Case study: The Green hamburger

Nobody has ever pretended that a hamburger was the way to perfect health. The problem for most people is that they love hamburgers. Ironically, if you have a hamburger with a lot of fresh greenery, whole grain bread, and the food isn’t over-processed, you’re getting some of what you need.

A Green hamburger, in contrast, is a real meal. The list of nutrients is extremely long, but check out the basics, related to essential requirements:
  • Proteins- Lean meat provides essential amino acids (Fat doesn’t provide anything but problems)
  • Vitamins- B vitamins, Vitamin E, Vitamin C from vegetables, beta carotene if beetroot or carrot are added, Vitamin A from some vegetables
  • Minerals- Zinc, copper, iron, phosphorous, calcium, and other trace elements from meat, vegetables and breads
  • Green vegetable materials- Chlorophyll, nitrogen, trace elements
  • Carbohydrates- Breads have various forms of carbohydrates, low GI breads are best by far.
All this comes with almost no cholesterol, too.

The Green diet shopping list

If you want to have an absolute ball shopping for food, you can get it all, cheaply.
This is a sample shopping list for no more than $20:

Fresh parsley: This can turn any meal into a joy, and it’s got the dark green vegetable materials required for a good diet.
  • Carrots: Beta carotene by the ton, fibre, and will go with any meal.
  • Cheese: Matured cheese is much better and food values are higher.
  • Sprouts: Bean sprouts have built in minerals and tastes fantastic with all dishes
  • Corn: High value energy food, with trace elements.
  • Potatoes: Steamed in their jackets, they’re like a whole extra meal, and it’s all good.
  • Multigrain bread: The fancy brands are just that. As long as it’s whole grain, you’re getting excellent dietary value, all the time.
  • Olive oil: The Mediterranean’s secret oil, absolutely trustworthy for cooking, with its own valuable nutrients.
  • Meat: Lean, and remove every trace of fat you can see. (Note: More isn’t better with meat. A smaller portion is generally better in terms of digestion.)
  • Soy: Most people prefer brands, but look for good value as well.
  • Fruit: Go nuts on the fruits. They’ve all got high food value, and they also provide fresh, absolutely pure water.
  • Salt: Salt isn’t the enemy. Too much sodium, however, is too much. Stick to sea salt and avoid the high sodium foods.

    [影片] 2010/09/21 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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    [日本] Shizuka Nakamura 中村靜香 激熱メニュー

    中村 靜香(なかむら しずか、1988年9月9日 - )は、京都府宇治市出身の女性タレント、グラビアアイドル。オスカープロモーション所屬。美少女クラブ31、ティーンエイジクラブのメンバー。

    [日本] 漂亮正妹 鷲巣あやの (Ayano Washizu)

    鷲巣あやの (Ayano Washizu)
    生日: 1983年03月02日
    三圍: B84.W57.H87cm

    [日本] 戶田惠梨香 ERIKA×CECIL McBEE Vivace 寫真

    腳尺:24 cm

    [影片] 2010/09/20 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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    [日本] Marie Kai 甲斐まり恵 - 『大和撫子』

    甲斐 まり恵(かい まりえ、1980年6月13日 - )は日本の女優。所屬事務所はJ&J(スタッフアップグループ)。前所屬事務所はセント・フォース。身長161cm。熊本県阿蘇郡(現:阿蘇市)出身。

    Need Help To Convert Bad Water To Clean Drinking Water?

    Having clean drinking water is almost impossible nowadays. Luckily, countertop water filters and some other purifiers are sold and offered in the market.

    Photo: Tsja!

    During the older times, the problem on home drinking water was far different from our time. The laborious way of fetching water from different sources was in fact a big problem for them. They wanted to have a system that would allow water to flow directly into their houses.

    Clean water is found in almost every corner of the earth in those times. The streams, rivers, and rain have provided the ancients with safe and potable water. The idea of countertop water filters never even crossed their minds.

    At present, the situation is the reverse of theirs. Nowadays, there are many countries without clean drinking water. Although, it flows directly into houses, still, people can’t just drink it and not worry of its cleanliness.

    There are just so many reasons to state why most of us are faced with such worry. One clear and general reason is pollution. Unlike before, the water in streams and rivers or even rain is no longer safe for us to swallow.

    The number of different agencies, private and government; profit and non-profit, studying and experimenting to come up with a good clean drinking water project is an obvious evidence of our problem. But thanks to them, we can still continue to enjoy this universal liquid.

    Photo: eyesore9

    As we are all aware of it, our body needs liquid. Without enough of it, the human is at risk in gathering illnesses. Water on the other hand is the most advisable liquid for our body. Without clean drinking water, then we are all faced with serious health problem.

    There is no telling what kind of disease a person may acquire once he had sipped contaminated water. Accordingly, the risk is dependent on the bacteria and germs that live in it.

    Now a question: what is clean drinking water?

    Obviously, murky and shadowy water is not safe for gulping. We automatically avoid and stop ourselves from swallowing this kind of water. And how about bottled water and clear water? Are they safe for us to sip?

    Based on numerous researches, clear and stain-free water is not necessarily safe. It may still contain disease-giving bacteria. On the other hand, debates relating to the benefits of relying on packed water are still up.

    In fact, the best way to identify the cleanliness of this liquid is by testing it. Health agencies often test drinking water coming from different resources but most specially those that are providing drinking water systems.

    They too provide the standards to water companies. Some of them include periodic cleaning of water pipes, use of water treatments and delimiting the use of some chemicals in treating potable water.

    Moreover, they also offer advice on how to provide your family, clients and self safe water to swallow. They include the use of tools such as counter top water filters and purifiers. Accordingly, boiling water may is also an alternative.

    Clean drinking water is a problem not only for Africans. This is a problem that concerns and should concern all of us.

    About the Author
    Do you need help to produce clean drinking water? Visit us at http://www.aqua-sun-intl.com/ . We are experts at creating clean water, with our water purifying systems. In remote areas our systems are reducing sickness and suffering. Come to Drinking water filter, and discover how you can create the clean water you need for good health.

    [日本] Minase Yashiro 八代みなせ - 『海の女王COLLECTION!』

    八代 みなせ(やしろ みなせ、1985年2月3日 - )は日本のグラビアアイドル、女優。岐阜県岐阜市出身。


    [影片] 2010/09/19 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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    [日本] 爆乳 Risa Narita 成田梨紗

    成田 梨紗(なりた りさ、1991年3月1日 - )は、日本の女性アイドルグループ「AKB48」舊チームAの元メンバーでグラビアアイドルである。東京都出身。仙台SOSモデルエージェンシー、オフィス斬所屬。

    成田梨紗(Risa Narita)姓名:成田梨紗 Narita Risa

    [bomb.tv] 2010.8月號 磯山さやか

    磯山 さやか
    愛稱 いそっち
    生年月日 1983年10月23日
    現年齢 26歳
    出身地 日本 茨城県鉾田市
    血液型 A型
    身長 / 體重 155 cm / ─ kg
    スリーサイズ 88 - 60 - 85 cm
    ブラのサイズ F
    靴のサイズ 24 cm

    [影片] 2010/09/18 美國職棒每日精彩好球


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    [日本] 2010.8月號 原 幹恵

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    [YS-WEB] Mizuho Hata 秦みずほ『SLENDER BEAUTY…魅せます!!』

    秦 みずほ(はた みずほ、本名:秦 瑞穂[1]、1989年11月17日 - )は、長野県長野市出身のグラビアアイドル[2]。所屬事務所はイエローキャブ。日本芸術高等學園卒業。

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    英文名:Yu Namiki

    [Graphy.tv] かでなれおん 久紗野水萌 Reon Kadena ~ Hot Bust!

    久紗野水萌(1986年2月19日-,出生於日本大阪府[1],現藝名かでなれおん(Reon Kadena),曾用名久紗野水萌(Minamo Kusano)、Yurika。她是一名演員和寫真集模特兒,以巨乳著稱,傳聞知名AV女優夏目奈奈是她的親姐姐,不過本人是持否定態度。

    姓名:久紗野水萌 出生年月日:1986年2月19日 出身地:大阪府 血型:B型 身高:165cm 三圍:90F-60cm-87cm 體重 41公斤


    [影片] 2010/09/16 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/27yq86c Billingsley 7IP 6H 2BB 7K
    http://tinyurl.com/2eerdwo Cain 7IP 3H 5K
    http://tinyurl.com/278sw3e Zambrano 6IP 4H 3BB 3K
    http://tinyurl.com/38eksvm Weaver 7IP 1H 7K
    http://tinyurl.com/2buqfuc Cain 精彩傳一壘(快倒地了)
    http://tinyurl.com/3xs2qap Carpenter 受傷下場
    http://tinyurl.com/2u8gavt Russell 三振 Rasmus
    http://tinyurl.com/2368lz4 光芒最後三振 A-Rod

    [DGC] 木口亜矢 Aya Kiguch

    木口 亜矢(きぐち あや、1985年10月11日 - )は神奈川県川崎市出身のグラビアアイドル、女性タレント。所屬事務所はプラチナムプロダクション。血液型A型。天秤座。

    The Hermaphrodite: Peppermint shrimp

    Yes - It's true. The Zoologger website is reporting that the Peppermint Shrimp, "...start out as one sex, and then transform into hermaphrodites". The website also states, "...it first matures as a male, and sometimes turns into a hermaphrodite with both male and female sexual organs".

    Story Continues...

    The Hermaphrodite: Vivian Wheeler

    A 33 year old adopted man has discovered that his biological mother was born as a hermaphrodite.

    The Aol News has reported:

    The 33-year-old Kansas man had always been curious about his birth parents, but with a wife and two young daughters, he was busy making a life of his own. After a recent back injury led to multiple medical exams and many questions about his family medical history, he decided it was time to start digging.

    His search began this past spring, when he filed a request with the Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services to find his biological parents.

    It also informed him that both his mother and his maternal grandmother had hypertrichosis, known as werewolf syndrome. Each had facial hair, even as children. The letter further stated that his mother was born a hermaphrodite, with both male and female reproductive organs.

    Vivian Wheeler was born as a hermaphrodite. The article reads she has a male bone structure, with half her hormones being male. Therefore, the hermaphrodite Vivian Wheeler was misdiagnosed as having hypertrichosis.

    Story Continues...

    [日本] Anri Sugihara 杉原杏璃 『密會』

    杉原杏璃(1982年6月12日-)是一名出身自日本廣島縣的日本女藝人、水著女星,隸屬FITONE藝能公司。之前曾是ANIMAX及Stardust Promotion公司的旗下藝人。出身自廣島縣的杉原杏璃,對故鄉有強烈的感情。特徵是巨乳及長舌,懂得跳巴西戰舞,喜歡泰國。

    [影片] 2010/09/15 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/32nrhhl Hudson 8IP 4H 1BB 8K
    http://tinyurl.com/27ph3wo Dickey 9IP 5H 3BB 4K 1ER
    http://tinyurl.com/29kwtoq Kershaw 9IP 4H 4K
    http://tinyurl.com/2925pr8 Hamels 6.2IP 5H 2BB 13K 1ER
    http://tinyurl.com/23my882 Greinke 自己來雙殺解除危機
    http://tinyurl.com/245kz9k Zito 5.2IP 1H 3BB 5K 1R
    http://tinyurl.com/2c248zx Wells 精彩好投
    http://tinyurl.com/28rpl7k Wainwright 8IP

    [香港] 周秀娜 《Les Vacances d'Amour》 2010寫真集

    周秀娜(英文名:Chrissie Chau,1985年5月22日-),出生和籍貫於廣東潮州,有「翻版樂基兒」之稱[1],入行前志願是當空中服務員。


    [香港] 楊梓瑤 CAROL 超級巨乳 HUGE寫真集

    楊梓瑤(原名楊麗華,英語:Carol Yeung,1988年6月23日-)香港少女模特兒,出生於香港。在2008年,曾參加香港動漫節《Bandai Girl》選舉大賽並成為冠軍。早前亮相《美女廚房 (第二輯)》。2010年報章刊登由網友指出楊梓瑤居住於香港新界大圍美田村,品流複雜,亦有指她曾隆胸,墮胎及吸毒,但她一概否認。2010年6月於香港書展推出其寫真《Huge》,但由於寫真照片中可見其胸隙及下陰附近塗上不明白色液體,以及有一系列含啜冰條的照片,被傳媒及知名人仕一一抨擊。後來與書展文化活動顧問成員之一的伍曼儀博士對話更指自己的寫真與19世紀著名畫家巴勃羅‧畢卡索一樣,而畢卡索的畫作都有裸女出現,故此自己的寫真並不意淫而是藝術。2010年7月26日新聞報導指楊梓瑤衰招搖傳學位不保。

    楊梓瑤( Carol) 資料香港女模特兒,出生於香港姓名:Carol Yeung 楊梓瑤 / 身高:

    [影片] 2010/09/14 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/38uezod CC 8局 9K表現 0ER
    http://tinyurl.com/29ycfqd Price 精彩封鎖洋基 0ER
    http://tinyurl.com/25ojxry Lester 12K
    http://tinyurl.com/34vdwut Cramer 初登板第一次三振
    http://tinyurl.com/28mqr8h Myers 10k
    http://tinyurl.com/2c4vtlb Arroyo 8K
    http://tinyurl.com/2emm89y Lowe 12K
    http://tinyurl.com/24dbagm Narveson 7K
    http://tinyurl.com/25vklhe McDonald 8IP 0ER

    [日本] 瀬戸早妃 - 完全復活 濃厚SPECIAL

    瀬戸 早妃(せと さき、1985年6月21日 - )は、日本の女優、タレント、グラビアアイドル。 所屬事務所はエヌアンドエスプロモーション。

    [日本] [YS-web]可愛泳裝-紗綾(Saaya)

    紗綾(さあや、1993年11月15日 - )は、日本のグラビアアイドル、女優である。昨今のジュニアアイドルブームの中でも、代表的な存在であり、『フライデー』など一般誌での活動も多い。デビューした小學生時から、そのグラマラスなプロポーションを維持している。

    [日本] [YS-WEB] Mikie Hara 原幹恵 - Mの誘惑

     原 幹恵(はら みきえ、1987年7月3日 - )は新潟県岩船郡神林村(現村上市)出身(ただし出生は北海道上川郡東川町)の女性タレント、グラビアアイドル、女優。所屬事務所オスカープロモーションのエースである。村上市立平林中學校→新潟県立中條高等學校英語科卒業。

    [影片] 2010/09/13 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/29s3ucq 林西肯第200K出爐
    http://tinyurl.com/2fexwc3 林西肯兩分打點一安
    http://tinyurl.com/2buj8mz 林西肯今日好投
    http://tinyurl.com/2bqlukx Verlander 11K
    http://tinyurl.com/29pxqa6 推土機完封(來PHI是對的)
    http://tinyurl.com/24mxv5e Cueto 7IP 7K
    http://tinyurl.com/299ws5p Gallardo(W, 12-7) 7IP 6K
    http://tinyurl.com/2dlm7a3 Gallardo 二安


    http://tinyurl.com/2bu6l44 Cabrera 清壘三分打點二安

    Lady Ga-Ga

    "I promised that if I won this, I would announce the name of my new album...It's called Born This Way." Quoting: Lady Ga-Ga

    When hermaphrodites reveal their truth, you will always find the term "Born This Way" within their story. At last nite's MTV Music Awards, Lady Ga-Ga revealed the name of her new album. The album will be titled, "Born This Way". In addtional to this reveal, the singer won eight Moonmen.

    The Hermaphrodites; Cher and Lady Ga-Ga

    The Hermaphrodites; Ellen and Lady Ga-Ga (Ga-Ga displaying her "Born This Way" Tattoo)

    How to Discover the Good Toasters Ovens Every Time?

    Toasters ovens, for many, are one of the used home equipment in their homes. For those who have never had one to make use of, you may not see how this is so but after you've tried one for your self you'll soon change your mind. Given the truth that the toaster oven has had some main changes through the years since it was invented so long ago, you can now use them for more things than you used to.

    Photo: trekkyandy

    The toaster oven of at present comes with all kinds of features and might be found in very small sizes. One of these cooking not only heats up sooner and cooks quicker nevertheless it also uses rather a lot much less power total than using a toaster and a daily oven separately.

    When selecting your new toaster oven you'll have loads of totally different types, sizes, colours and options to choose from. You probably have a particular want on your kitchen so the merchandise will match all the pieces else it shouldn't be too difficult to search out something that is good for you.

    House is a critical consideration whenever you want to buy an appliance like this. It's essential to carefully evaluate how much room it is possible for you to to use to set up the equipment when you deliver it home. Since yow will discover them in might totally different sizes you will not run into an excessive amount of trouble though. Small kitchen spaces are often greatest fitted to the compact models however for much bigger areas you may go as large as you have got room for.

    The first and the foremost thing which one ought to consider is the area acquired by this equipment. Varied dimension toaster-ovens can be found available in the market and they need to be selected relying upon the counter area accessible in your kitchen. They're out there in very compact size as well as in 10 inch cubes along with an area occupying 16-inch and 26 inch sizes also. For added safety, they are out there with again-mounted vents, which wanted to be placed at a considerable distance from the wall. Your toaster-oven ought to function a large, clear and clear window for good visibility

    How the oven heats is one other essential aspect. Commonest in the standard, day-after-day heating component that permits you to bake, broil, roast and brown however you too can discover convection ovens more and more these days. They're develop into quite standard due to the speed through which they will cook.

    Infrared has been round a while too nevertheless it locations restrictions on cooking talents so it isn't nearly as popular as the opposite options. Glass, paper, plastic and the like can not be used in one of these oven and you'll forget about broiling because of the strategy by which the oven heats.

    It actually would not matter what you end up going with as far as any of these elements are involved as a result of you are the one that must be happy with the purchase. Simply makes certain you are buying something that has what you need and not a bunch of fluff that may by no means be touched. Doing this serves no purpose except to waste money unnecessarily.

    About the Author
    Toaster oven broilers are used for baking numerous items. These sorts of 6 slice toaster oven don't must be heated prematurely unlike the common ovens available in the market. Toasterandconvectionovens.com offers all the data related to 4 slice toaster oven.

    [影片] 2010/09/12 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/34uetge Mo 再見觸身球(BS)
    http://tinyurl.com/2599xvm Stauffer 5K ERA 1.54 4W 3L
    http://tinyurl.com/2g9tz7t Sanchez 4K 1ER ERA 3.35 12W 9L
    http://tinyurl.com/3882wj6 Dempster 8K ERA 3.62 13W10L(100勝)
    http://tinyurl.com/25b3vbf Guthrie 4K ERA 3.74 10W13L
    http://tinyurl.com/26mvrd9 Pelfrey 5K 2ER ERA 3.89 14W 9L
    http://tinyurl.com/2877lkd Davies 5K 1ER ERA 4.95 8W 9L

    [影片] 2010/09/11 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/28tb7nu Carmona 7K精華(完封,3H,1BB)
    http://tinyurl.com/29ag2qd 痛痛人完投敗(2ER)
    http://tinyurl.com/23f6r8h Carpenter 第一發全壘打
    http://tinyurl.com/2c4mz9b Carpenter 一壘安打 3-2 2RBI 1HR
    http://tinyurl.com/277gxdy 火球男 Chapman 第11局好投
    http://tinyurl.com/23rrqpw Bailey 9K表現
    http://tinyurl.com/2878vyl Zambrano(CHC) 8.2局 9K
    http://tinyurl.com/27dme6e Zambrano(CHC 一安 1 RBI

    [影片] 2010/09/10 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/39fhc6g Cain 8K 精華
    http://tinyurl.com/388qeg3 Wainwright 7K 精華
    http://tinyurl.com/2udws5x Lewis 8K 精華
    http://tinyurl.com/36nns2p Norris 三振精華
    http://tinyurl.com/38g2ckh Lilly 三振精華
    http://tinyurl.com/3ykqr8p Hill 三振精華
    http://tinyurl.com/36fs2g8 Porcello 三振精華


    http://tinyurl.com/39pjwmw Johnson 三分砲幫助球隊贏球
    http://tinyurl.com/34o846t Huff 24號全壘打

    [影片] 2010/09/09 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/23b7eoh 2010 洋基所有滿貫全壘打精華
    http://tinyurl.com/29bpwvx Howard 三分砲,MLB 最低打數達到 250HR
    http://tinyurl.com/2bty9k6 洋基 Swisher 再見全壘打(TOP5)
    http://tinyurl.com/29djp82 女記者的臉好白喔 >//<
    http://tinyurl.com/29pusxg 想偷跑三壘?....
    http://tinyurl.com/27ns495 紅襪跑壘觀念?(打出雙殺,自己沒死)
    http://tinyurl.com/2f8s9b5 這球二壘手好像沒踩壘包再傳
    http://tinyurl.com/29jdgro 球迷帥氣接全壘打球...哈哈
    http://tinyurl.com/2fo7da7 費城右外野手 Werth

    [影片] 2010/09/08 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/2fjt562 Hoffman 第1次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/2d82fpd Hoffman 第200次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/2evlt2b Hoffman 第300次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/2ccppke Hoffman 第400次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/2axw36p Hoffman 第500次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/2f63zek Hoffman 第600次救援成功
    http://tinyurl.com/273lzcf Hoffman 賽後訪問..感動
    http://tinyurl.com/29p2v9x Hoffman 賽後頒獎..小孩子都出來了
    http://tinyurl.com/2clp5ol Gonzalez

    [影片] 2010/09/07 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/3az9abh Recap: FLA 7, PHI 1
    http://tinyurl.com/29m7kxz Recap: NYM 3, WSH 13
    http://tinyurl.com/2678y7f Recap: ATL 1, PIT 3
    http://tinyurl.com/2vc59e5 Recap: STL 8, MIL 6
    http://tinyurl.com/329ved6 Recap: HOU 4, CHC 5
    http://tinyurl.com/3yj8lwq Recap: CIN 5, COL 10
    http://tinyurl.com/32sn778 Recap: SF 2, ARI 0
    http://tinyurl.com/23tmneh Recap: CWS 5, DET 4 F/10

    [影片] 2010/09/05 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/26lsh57 火球男 Chapman 100 MPH 影片
    http://tinyurl.com/2audppd 這球游擊手也傳太準了吧,強肩阿
    http://tinyurl.com/2a96glm 雙盜壘: 本壘跟二壘都沒抓到....
    http://tinyurl.com/2a3x8gf 手套有碰到打者嗎?看不太清楚
    http://tinyurl.com/26o8ldc 一壘手精彩飛撲(TOP5之五)
    http://tinyurl.com/2brttnt 捕手漏接,還可以阻殺二壘,真神準
    http://tinyurl.com/299fu3z Manny 回到芬威球場打出一壘安打
    http://tinyurl.com/2c37xhd 看來 Manny 受到紅襪球迷喜愛
    http://tinyurl.com/2e3kwfx 洋基

    [影片] 2010/09/06 美國職棒每日精彩好球


    http://tinyurl.com/2end4ge Recap: ATL 6, FLA 7 F/10
    http://tinyurl.com/24z9k2v Recap: WSH 8, PIT 1
    http://tinyurl.com/2ezw839 Recap: MIL 6, PHI 2
    http://tinyurl.com/28pcn3d Recap: CIN 2, STL 4
    http://tinyurl.com/26b355m Recap: NYM 18, CHC 5
    http://tinyurl.com/2fpasrb Recap: COL 4, SD 2
    http://tinyurl.com/246btq8 Recap: HOU 3, ARI 2
    http://tinyurl.com/29sqfnf Recap: TOR 7, NYY 3

    [影片] 2010/09/04 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/26o66ph 都快跌倒了還可以傳球
    http://tinyurl.com/2co83ra 這球雙殺也太漂亮了吧
    http://tinyurl.com/29zbzl7 這樣都可以跑成三壘安打..不愧是腿弟
    http://tinyurl.com/29rl9b7 左外野: 我來接我來接,中外野: 給你接還接不到
    http://tinyurl.com/39f4nck 三壘守在假動作嗎? 游擊手:好險我在你後面(五大之一)
    http://tinyurl.com/27gwl8x 先盜壘還是被雙殺.....
    http://tinyurl.com/2emvdx4 看我飛撲美技(五大之一)
    http://tinyurl.com/2c866rp 龐然大物大吉難得 Nice Play(五大之一)
    http://tinyurl.com/29ns5e5 這球沒進五大真是可惜

    [影片] 2010/09/02 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/23j4r6p 球打到壘包反彈,還接的到...反應真快
    http://tinyurl.com/2558s6w 投手被強襲球打到.....該下場休息了
    http://tinyurl.com/2aogs8u 這游擊手傳球距離會不會太遠
    http://tinyurl.com/2clryxn 國民打者 Morgan 幹架影片(一壘手補刀很帥 =.=)
    http://tinyurl.com/34hqxnd MLB 主播討論這場幹架原因
    http://tinyurl.com/34hqxnd 馬林魚賽後針對 Volstad vs. Morgan 幹架說明
    http://tinyurl.com/2egp9xk 這球被判好球...這主審好球帶真寬..
    http://tinyurl.com/27rbxjk 游擊手精彩臂力...五大好球之一

    [影片] 2010/09/03 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/28ds6r2 Recap: OAK 0, NYY 5
    http://tinyurl.com/2ed48hs Recap: NYM 4, ATL 2
    http://tinyurl.com/2cesjoj Recap: PHI 12, COL 11
    http://tinyurl.com/28jhv27 Recap: BOS 6, BAL 4
    http://tinyurl.com/2fu933o Recap: DET 10, MIN 9
    http://tinyurl.com/2bdo5al Recap: CLE 6, SEA 3

    http://tinyurl.com/2cfxofz Recap: OAK 0, NYY 5
    http://tinyurl.com/2dp5sqj Recap: BOS 6, BAL 4

    [影片] 2010/09/01 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/32ln99j Robinson Cano's 2010 精彩守備精華(個人)
    http://tinyurl.com/36bnsmp Robinson Cano's 第一千支安打(個人)

    http://tinyurl.com/2fumpg8 OAK@NYY: Teixeira cranks a three-run shot to right
    http://tinyurl.com/25e2ulc OAK@NYY: Swisher takes Mazzaro deep to right
    http://tinyurl.com/2cnjcuk OAK@NYY: Gardner comes in to score on the double play
    http://tinyurl.com/2boow8h OAK@NYY: Jeter crosses the

    [影片] 2010/08/31 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/32ln99j Robinson Cano's 2010 精彩守備精華
    http://tinyurl.com/27tpmdk 五大好球第一名: 飛身撞牆.....
    http://tinyurl.com/32otyj8 洋基 Jeter 的招牌守備(TOP5)
    http://tinyurl.com/29az582 Zambrano: 我投不好沒關係,用棒子追回比數(豪打)
    http://tinyurl.com/23tyrg8 Zambrano: 我不只是會三振,還會打全壘打喔
    http://tinyurl.com/2une8fq Thames: 我不會守備,我只會打全壘打(連六場轟)
    http://tinyurl.com/24r3ax8 洋基 Teixeira: 先來一發吧
    http://tinyurl.com/2cfexqh Cano: 那我只能

    [影片] 2010/08/30 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://tinyurl.com/23ct9m9 Recap: LAD 5, COL 10
    http://tinyurl.com/29z89x8 Recap: OAK 8, TEX 2
    http://tinyurl.com/2fpnalm Recap: ARI 7, SF 9
    http://tinyurl.com/2fyvtnh Recap: OAK 8, TEX 2
    http://tinyurl.com/23b3uu7 Recap: NYY 2, CWS 1
    http://tinyurl.com/29b5rwx Recap: CHC 5, CIN 7
    http://tinyurl.com/2f7nygm Recap: MIN 1, SEA 2
    http://tinyurl.com/2ao53nj Recap: PHI 5, SD 0

    [影片] 2010/08/29 美國職棒每日精彩好球

    http://goo.gl/KEDm 雙殺二壘打?
    http://goo.gl/LUw2 Reynolds 精彩接球
    http://goo.gl/y7mM 接球接到鞋子都飛掉了
    http://goo.gl/TMcw Pence 外野阻殺本壘
    http://goo.gl/8Zpo 釀酒人 Gallardo 在6又1/3局三振10次
    http://goo.gl/8lP9 道奇跑者直接去撞捕手?Orz 精彩雙殺
    http://goo.gl/0HB3 普神 NO.400 轟出爐現役最少打數達400轟
    http://goo.gl/fbWj 普神守備踩空,希望別受傷阿
    http://goo.gl/0ZDH 國民 Bernadina 九下追平比分全壘打
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    Yimpininni or Sistergirls

    On the Tiwi Island of Australia, photographer Bindi Cole and writer Jirra Lulla Harvey have captured the life of 50 to 70 hermaphrodites through film, text and photographs. Their artwork titled, The Sistagirl exhibition is currently on tour.

    Here's more information on the Yimpininni women of Australia:

    •Sistergirls don't like to be referred to as "gays". They prefer the term "women". They also reject a lot of the myths about them, both from the mainstream and from Indigenous society. Firstly, they reject the claim that they are "unnatural". A Sistergirl is born, not made. It is clear by the age of two or three if a person has been born this way, and when they get to the age of six, parents give them to older sistergirls to look after because they're in that special category.

    Sistergirls are distinct from the wider homosexual community, as they have their own internal law. They have their own customs, rituals, rules and leadership, and as such are a separate cultural group rather than part of an undifferentiated "gay" category defined by broad definitions of lifestyle or sexuality choices.

    •Sistergirls reject early anthropological studies of Tiwi society, which omitted their identity from the texts. Transgenderism has been a part of Tiwi custom since time out of mind, but in the old days the Sistergirls were called "Yimpininni", and were honoured, rather than subjected to the rape, violence and marginalisation that came with western colonialism. These horrors continue to plague them, and are only increasing with each year that passes.

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    Lady Ga-Ga

    The singer Lady Ga-Ga has revealed her male persona "Jo Calderone" in Japan's September Issue of Vogue.

    According to the New York Magazine, she (or he) provided the following during the scheduled Interview:

    Palermo, Sicily


    Mechanic for my dad's business. This is the first time I've had my picture taken.

    Well, I always helped my dad at work, since I was a kid. I thought it would be fun to have my picture taken.

    I'd love to own my own car shop, I have a bunch of my own ‘muscle’ cars. Maybe if I take some more pictures I can afford it.

    I met her at a shoot Nick Knight was doing. She's fuckin beautiful, and funny, and interesting. I was a little nervous for Nick to start shooting. She said, "Don't be baby, you were "born this way." I took her out after. The rest is private ;)

    It seems as if Lady Ga-Ga is reading the September 1970 issue of LIFE Magazine, you know the issue that showcased, The Male Plumage: He-men return to elegance...

    Story Continues...

    Weight Loss Energy Drinks

    It is easy to find a weight loss energy drink as almost everybody has one in their hands. Tons of celebrities are even endorsing them. At times, even the service of doctors are acquired in order to declare a specific weight loss energy drink as effective. But do energy drinks actually help one lose weight?

    Photo: Olivander

    Essentially, any drink could serve to assist weight loss. It all depends on the specific ingredients found in it. If a particular drink contains the needed nutrients necessary for the body to create energy in the most natural way possible, the energy drink therefore offers a solution to weight loss and not cause additional problems.

    Experts believe that weight loss energy drinks which contain guarana seeds are able to adequately support the performance of athletes as it assists them to deal with weight control and fatigue. Natural weight loss energy drinks usually consists of gingko biloba, ginseng as well as yerba mate. Also, numerous energy drinks possess dietary ingredients. A few of these include minerals, vitamins, mangosteen, green tea plus, aloe vera. The best thing about energy drinks is that it gives an individual additional energy which then helps one complete the day even if you lack proper sleep. Plus, the herbs and vitamins contained in them offer your body further support, specifically it fills all your cardiovascular and immunity needs. Energy drinks also contain proper antioxidants thereby preventing the formation of free radicals. Take note that free radicals are usually produced due to over exercise, dirty air, exposure to pollution and stress.

    A few of the benefits of weight loss energy drinks include its ability to relieve the feeling of fatigue. It also enhances one's mental alertness by increasing the body's energy levels. A few energy drinks also contain minerals, herbs and natural substances. The best thing about such drinks is that they possess very few side effects. It is important for a person to heed a physician's advice prior to choosing a specific energy drink. Fortunately, there are lots of popular brands which offer amazing weight loss energy drinks at an inexpensive price. Proper energy drink intake will offer a person with thorough energy which is essentially good for the metabolism of the body.

    Do not forget that combining energy drinks with any amount of alcohol is lethal. Alcohol is mainly a depressant while a caffeine is a stimulant. Also, both drinks are diuretics and so could lead to quick dehydration. Believe it or not, water is actually a better option compared to an energy drink as it keeps one very much hydrated.

    Contrary to popular belief, weight loss energy drinks should not be taken prior to any form of exercise. Doing so could heighten your blood pressure unnecessarily as well as over stimulate your nervous system and specially your heart. Those who have current medical conditions such as heart disease or hypertension must avoid drinks which contain multiple stimulants. However, if you do plan to have a weight loss energy drink, try to consume a little amount first. Also, try to avoid any form of physical exertion during this short trial period.

    About the Author
    The author is locally known for his expertise in weight loss and energy drinks. Find out more about Weight Loss Drink at their website at: Weight Loss Drink

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