Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Chile, Colombia, Germany, New Zealand, Mexico, India, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Peru, Portugal, Sweden, Viet Nam, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Greece.United Kingdom, United States

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Happy New Year Everybody!

[日本] 賽車皇后相馬茜 Akane Souma

*本名︰相馬茜(Akane Souma)


Kebahagiaan manusia ada bila ia bisa membuka mata hatinya, dan menyadari bahwa ia memiliki banyak hal yang berarti dan menyadari betapa ia dicintai. Manusia bisa bahagia, bila ia mau membuka diri agar orang lain bisa mencintainya dengan tulus.

Kebahagiaan manusia tidak dapat hadir karena tidak mau membuka hati, dan berusaha meraih apa yang tidak dapat diraih, terlalu memaksa untuk mendapatkan segala yang diinginkan, tidak mau menerima dan mensyukuri apa yang ia miliki.

Keegoisan manusia yang menyebabkannya menjadi buta, keegoisan dan hanya memikirkan diri sendiri yang menyebabkan manusia tidak sadar bahwa ia begitu dicintai, tidak sadar bahwa saat ini apa yang ada adalah baik untuknya.

Begitu banyak sahabat yang begitu mencintai, tapi karena terlalu memilih, menilai dan menghakimi sendiri, justru sahabat sejati menjadi semakin jauh. Terlalu memilih sahabat membuat manusia tak dapat menyadari di depan mata ada sahabat sejati yang dibutuhkannya.

Tiap-tiap manusia memiliki arti dan peranan masing-masing, semua berbeda. Tidak ada yang memiliki arti yang sama persis. Punya peranan dan kelebihan disatu hal, tidak harus memiliki peranan dan arti dalam hal lain. Dicintai oleh satu orang belum tentu disayang oleh orang lain.

Kebahagiaan bersumber dari dalam diri sendiri, jangan berharap dari diri orang lain, karena orang lain dapat mengkhianati. Kebahagiaan ada bila bisa menerima diri apa adanya, mencintai dan menghargai diri sendiri, mau mencintai dan menerima orang lain.

Percaya kepada Tuhan, bersyukur bahwa manusia selalu diberikan yang terbaik sesuai yang diperbuat manusia itu sendiri. Tak perlu berkeras hati, Ia akan memberi di saat yang tepat apa yang manusia butuhkan. Tidak harus saat ini, masih ada esok hari. Seperti yang sedang teralami, mendapat suatu cobaan dan kesusahan adalah jalan untuk dapat melihat kebahagiaan “menikmati kebahagiaan dalam kesusahaan hati”.

[日本] 性感小護士美少女 吉木りさ Risa Yoshiki 寫真套圖

日本美少女 吉木りさ Risa Yoshiki

生 日:1987年7月27日
血 型:AB
身 高:162 cm
三 圍:80(C) - 59 - 88 cm

Cooking Quinoa - Easy and Delicious

Are you searching for something new to serve your loved ones? And also at the same time, are you much conscious of your overall health? But additionally you want your kids to have a wholesome meal? Well, quinoa is just the answer. Give it a shot!

Cooking Quinoa
Photo: localphilosophy.com

Quinoa is more often called as the super food. Why? Because of the nutrients it provides. Not only is it high in protein but it is also loaded with slow burning carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiver - all in one single seed. How good is that? It is a super food, indeed! And the best of all - it tastes really good that your children will surely love!

Worrying about having wheat intolerance? Worry no more! This seed is totally gluten-free and yes, you can still enjoy it!

There are quite a few different ways that you can cook quinoa. There are great quinoa recipes you can find. It can be stir fried or into soups, mixed with oat meals, flax seeds, almond milk or fresh fruits for your breakfast and even have it toasted for your yogurt toppings.

You can have quinoa as a salad. It is really easy to make and it tastes a lot better after it is being refrigerated even for a while. It is perfect for any party or picnic you may have.

Adding meat to your meal with quinoa is not necessary since it already provides proteins itself. You may find it great with black bean recipes. Also, it can be with roasted red peppers, goat cheese and even balsamic vinegar. But still, even if it provides proteins itself, you can still serve it with meat. Grilled chicken with quinoa also tastes really good!

Pasta with quinoa is what usually kids and young ones really crave for. Who knows, it may be your all time favorite macaroni recipe. Cheese and quinoa is something that everyone is sure to love! The truth is that if you start your children eating right from the beginning, there is a very good chance that they will continue this for the remainder of their lives!

In making meatballs, quinoa can also be used as a replacement for the breadcrumbs. Organic turkey sausage can also be served with quinoa. Any dish that is normally prepared with rice can instead be made with quinoa. And many people attest that upon trying it, they did not go back in eating rice again.

Quite simply, there are so many things that you can do with quinoa. You are serving an amazingly delicious food with great health benefits. What more can you ask for? Start now your own quinoa recipe and start your healthy living!

About the Author
To find quinoa recipes or to learn how to make your black bean recipes even better, please visit me on the web.

[日本] 桜井まりMari Sakurai DGC 套圖寫真

桜井まりMari Sakurai 寫真集

生年月日 1985年5月9日(25歳)
出生地 日本・千葉県
血液型 AB型
身高 150cm
三圍 B84 - W54 - H80cm
職業 女優、グラビアアイドル
ジャンル 映画、テレビドラマ

The Hermaphrodite: Annabel

Kathleen Winter’s novel titled "Annabel" reveals the truth about a hermaphrodite child born in Labrador in the 1960s. This book was inspired by a true story told to the writer by an acquaintance and it's heating up the bookshelves.

Here's a jist of the storyline:
Wayne, born into the harsh, rural landscape of Labrador, Canada, in 1968, is a hermaphrodite. It is his father who ultimately decides to raise him as a male and names him. Only Wayne’s parents and their friend Thomasina Baikie, also present at his birth, are aware of his gender duality. The two women silently battle against Wayne’s father’s gender assignment, and as Wayne grows older, he must contend with the two genders struggling for dominance within him. His father, Treadway, a trapper who spends most of his time outdoors, works hard to steer Wayne away from his feminine side. His mother, Jacinta, becomes increasingly estranged from her husband as she mourns the loss of her female child...
Story Continues...

The Hermaphrodite: Papia

A hermaphrodite has fallen to death in Dhaka Bangladesh. According to a report on their website, a hermaphrodite died and six others were injured after they were beaten by a mob in the City's Badda area on Thursday, December 23rd:
Following the death of Papia, 32, more than a hundred hermaphrodites staged a demonstration protesting the murder and demanded punishment to the killers. The injured--Sumi, 25, Shapla, 28, Shanta, 16, Munmun, 25, Masuma, 25, and Mohona, 25--were admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH).
According to the injured, around 20 locals of Nayanagar at Bhatara beat them up mercilessly and pushed Papia off the rooftop of a six-storey building.
Story Continues...


Memutihkan kulit bukan hal yang aneh di masa modern seperti sekarang ini, dan ternyata bukan hanya wanita saja yang melakukan perawatan tersebut. Pria juga tidak mau ketinggalan untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Yakni ingin memutihkan kulitnya yang kurang putih entah karena tuntutan pekerjaan atau keinginan tersendiri supaya dilirik oleh lawan jenisnya dalam rangka mencari jodoh. Karena bagaimanapun juga, kulit kering memang tidak sedap untuk dipandang dan disentuh, karena menimbulkan kesan kurangnya perawatan diri yang pada akhirnya akan menimbulkan kesan negatif dan ilfil oleh lawan jenis.

Kulit wajah adalah hal paling merepotkan bagi tiap wanita. Di antara bahan-bahan aktif yang sekarang mulai dipakai baik di kedokteran maupun di salon kecantikan untuk memutihkan kulit adalah dengan cara pengelupasan sel-sel mati seperti produk dengan bahan-bahan aktif. Kulit yang halus kini sudah menjadi kebutuhan banyak orang. Karena itu, banyak produk perawatan kulit ditawarkan. Tak hanya memutihkan kulit atau menjaga kelembabannya saja, tapi juga untuk menjaga agar kulit tetap semulus bayi.

Berikut ada beberapa bahan-bahan untuk membantu Anda memutihkan kulit secara alami agar senantiasa terlihat indah di pandang mata, tidak hanya menghaluskan tetapi juga menyehatkan.

Jeruk Nipis

Buah yang satu ini lebih dikenal sebagai penghilang bau amis, atau campuran penyedap makanan. Tapi sebenarnya air jeruk nipis ini juga banyak manfaatnya untuk kecantikan dan kesehatan. Air yang berasal dari daging buah ini dikenal sanggup membuat pori-pori mengecil dan menghilangkan kelebihan lemak pada jenis kulit berminyak.

Manfaat :

Untuk merapatkan pori-pori kulit. Ambil daging jeruk nipis, oleskan pada kulit wajah. Biasanya di sekitar hidung dan pipi yang pori-porinya terlihat besar. Untuk memutihkan dan menghaluskan kulit. Usapkan potongan jeruk nipis pada wajah dan kulit bagian tubuh lainnya.


Konon alpukat banyak sekali nianfaatnya terutama untuk kecantikan. Dengan ilmu pengetahuan, terbukti bahwa alpukat memang kaya vitamin, mineral dan minyak alami. Alpukat banyak mengandung vitamin A, C, dan E, zat besi, potasium, niasin, asam pantotenik serta protein yang tidak biasanya terdapat dalam buah. Semua zat ini berguna bagi keindahan dan kesehatan kulit.

Manfaat :

Sebagai pelembab. Ambil bagian dalam kulit alpukat, yang mengandung humektan, dan mampu menahan kelembaban kulit. Gosokkan secara lembut ke seputar wajah dan biarkan selama 15 menit. Setelah itu basuhlah wajah menggunakan air dingin. Lakukan malam hari sebelum Anda tidur karena malam hari adalah waktu yang tepat bagi kulit untuk bekerja. Wajah yang terjaga kelembabannya membuat make- up bertahan lama sesudahnya.

Penggunaan Masker dan Lulur

Penggunaan masker merupakan salah satu upaya untuk mempercantik diri dengan perawatan menggunakan beberapa jenis tumbuhan seperti halnya sayuran. Masker dapat menegangkan dan melicinkan kulit. Penggunaan produk tumbuhan termasuk dalam pembuatan masker. Kulit yang masih remaja boleh menggunakan masker dari sayuran seperti ketimun, tomat, bengkuang, kentang, wortel.

Masker Bengkuang : Dapat memutihkan dan menghilangkan tanda hitam dan pigmentasi di kulit.
Masker Kentang : Dapat melembutkan dan memutihkan kulit.
Masker Tomat : Dapat menghaluskan dan melicin

[大陸] 廣州冷豔正妹葉熙祺

專業:美聲唱法 戲劇表演

[日本] 巨乳性感 AV 女優水城奈緒 Mizuki Nao

水城奈緒 Profile
三  圍:35G-23-34
身  高:5呎3吋
血  型:B型
興  趣:茶道


水城奈緒擁有五呎三吋標準身高,但係就有35-23-34嘅玲瓏身段,最索嘅地方就係奈緒上圍達到G Cup,渾圓又堅挺,巨型又彈手,皮薄又肉嫩,淨係呢雙G奶就足以令任何男人心動,稱之為超絕品絕對冇誇張!然而,奈緒身材咁戰鬥格可能會令大家以為佢「


LG is gearing up for a full-scale attack on the Android phone scene in 2011, starting by revealing the Optimus 2X – a dual-core Android phone powered by Nvidia’s Tegra 2 platform.

Elsewhere on the hardware side there’s a 4″ screen, 8GB of internal memory, a 1500MaH battery, 8megapixel camera with 1.3megapixel front-facing secondary video chat cam and 1080p video recording courtesy of that Tegra 2. And look, a 3D weather widget. If nothing else, it’s the future of weather widgets.

Nice slab, nice mild and inoffensive UI tweak. Could live with. The Optimus 2X is launching with Android 2.2 in Korea in January, and will gradually arrive in other countries and get upgraded to Android 2.3 over the following months of 2011.

The LG Optimus 2X offers 1080p HD video playback and recording with HDMI mirroring that expands content on external displays to full HD quality. The LG Optimus 2X can connect wirelessly to any DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) compatible digital device such as HD TVs for a console-like gaming experience taking full advantage of the phone’s HDMI mirroring, accelerometer and gyro sensor. The smartphone also includes both rear- and front-facing cameras, microSD memory expandability, Micro-USB port and a hefty 1500mAh battery.

The LG Optimus 2X will be available in Korea next month with countries in Europe and Asia to follow. The phone will initially be released with Android 2.2 (Froyo) and will be upgradeable to Android 2.3 (Gingerbread). The upgrade schedule will be announced in local markets in due course.


Key specifications:

* 1Ghz Dual-core Processor (NVIDIA Tegra 2)
* 4-inch WVGA screen
* 8GB memory (up to 32GB via microSD)
* 1,500 mAh battery
* 8 megapixel rear camera and 1.3 megapixel front camera
* HDMI mirroring
* 1080p MPEG-4/H.264 playback and recording

Price : Not Available

[日本] DGC 套圖性感高挑美女 八代みなせ Minase Yashiro

八代みなせ Minase Yashiro
サイズ:身長165cm B88cm W58cm H88cm


Many kitchen cabinet suppliers offer free kitchen design when you purchase a kitchen cabinets. The truth is you are paying for your free kitchen design whether you choose to believe it or not.

First you will need to accurately measure the kitchen area. Next you need to determine exactly which kitchen cabinet manufacture you would like to build your
free kitchen design plans. Then you will need a copy of their latest catalog so you can begin the process of deciding exactly which units will comprise your kitchen design.

You will also need to begin the process of drawing floor plans and elevations using some form of CAD based drawing software. Imagine the construction headaches if one crucial piece is missing and not available for another 3 – 4 weeks once construction has begun. Don’t forget to inform the cabinet dealer you will accept all responsibility for any items damaged during delivery.

If you are concerned about your ability to perform all of the tasks outlined here in search of your free kitchen design then you may want to consider the value in paying a professional. Remember, nothing is free in this world. If you want your kitchen done right hire a professional and be happy with the piece of mind you have purchased.

With all this new technology, designing your own kitchen is a couple clicks away. There are many types of free kitchen design software available for download online. Most of the downloadable free kitchen design software offer trial versions. Using free kitchen design software is generally easy.**


There are many ways to decorate your living room. As this is usually the room where a family entertains guests and spends time together, much thought usually goes into the design. Sometimes, however, inspiration is hard to come by. Here are a few living room decorating ideas to help get your creative juices flowing.

1. Determine your design style. Look through home decorating magazines and see what you like. You may have thought that you were a country gal, but find yourself drawn to the clean lines of a modern design. Even if you like both styles, you can mix them to create a style that is your own. You can choose country items that have modern design pieces with country flair. This way you can achieve a look that you love without settling on one style.

2. One living room decorating idea that is sure to spice up your space is to choose a bold wall color. Many people shy away from saturated colors, but these are the very hues that can make a dramatic statement about your personality. If you do not want to paint all of the walls in your living room a bold color, you can paint an accent wall. These walls are great to make an impression without overwhelming the room. You can then use accessories to tie the color into the rest of the room.

3. Updating your window treatments will also go a long way towards improving the atmosphere. Choose drapes or curtains that compliment the design style you have chosen for the rest of your room. Using rich looking fabrics on the windows will add a feeling of luxury to your room, and help to bring all of your living room decorating ideas together.

4. Another key element in living room decorating idea is lighting. Make sure your lighting is adequate, but not overpowering. Don't use florescent lights as they are very harsh, and a living room is all about mood. Use an updated overhead fixture to provide general light, and a few lamps around the room for task lighting. Another lighting aspect that is often overlooked is the use of candles. Not only are they decorative, but they provide mood lighting as well. You can get candles and holders in all different colors and sizes to help achieve your living room decorating idea.

5. On thing not to neglect is putting art on your walls. This helps to bring the room together and adds a personal touch. You can choose painted canvases that can look great all on their own, or a framed print in shades that compliment your color scheme. Another great wall art idea is photographs. These can be family pictures or perhaps a black and white landscape or city sky line. The key here is not to overdo it. Keep it simple and uncrowded. If your walls are too busy, it will detract from the overall atmosphere you are working to create.

Once you get started, your living room decorating idea will flow. Begin by determining your style, and then go on a hunt for the perfect things with which to fill your home. It will be fun and the end result will be something you can regard with pride.**

[日本] 骨感 AV 女優麻倉憂 You Asakura 寫真套圖

骨感 AV 女優麻倉憂 You Asakura 寫真套圖

[日本] 可愛秀氣 AV女優 小倉奈奈 Nana Ogura 寫真

秀氣可愛的日本90後美女(小倉奈奈、Nana Ogura) DGC No.881寫真集。
生日: 1990.1.10
星座: 魔羯座
身高(CM): 160
三圍: B88/W59/H83
出生地: 日本神奈川縣

相關 AV 作品文章:

(小倉奈奈)的相關文章2010最優秀新人(1) - 小倉奈々---一劍浣春秋
今井かのん‧New Comer 今井かのん4時間---一劍浣春秋
小倉奈々‧New Comer---一劍浣春秋

[日本] 可愛小池裡奈 Rina Koike

原名 小池 裡奈
國籍 日本
出生日期 1993年9月3日
教育程度 高中(目前就讀中)
三圍 B67-W56-H71
身高 154公分
體重 32公斤
血型 O型(Rh+)
日本女演員、青少年偶像。出身於栃木縣小山市,隸屬VeryBerry Production事務所。

Merry Christmas

[外國] 2010 SEMA 車展 Show girls

2010 SEMA 國際車展,外國的 show girl 身材真是不錯

[日本] Extra EX01 Yumi Sugimoto (杉本有美)性感寫真

中文名: 杉本有美
英文名: Sugimoto Yumi
別名: すぎもと ゆみ
家鄉: 大阪府大阪市
性別: 女
血型: A
國籍: 日本
出生年月: 1989年4月1日
星座: 白羊座


到了2002年,更成為了另一本著名日本時裝雜誌《Pichi Lemon》(學習研究社)的得獎模特兒,同年5月開始至2004年5月間正式擔任該雜誌的模特兒。

2006 年,杉本成為三愛水著樂園的形象女孩,開始參與水著女星(

The Hermaphrodite: Peppermint Patty

Received as an email alert from an avid reader of this blog, an anonymous submitter has directed my attention towards an episode from the 'Peanuts 1970's Collection Vol. 1'. Within this volume, there's an episode titled, "There's no time for love, Charlie Brown" that features the character "Peppermint Patty". The anonymous submitter has shared that in 1973, Charles M. Schulz's introduced the character "Peppermint Patty" as a way to introduce hermaphrodites into society. Here are two pictures submitted from that episode:

The Hermaphrodite: Dione Kae-Tomaselli

Born as a male hermaphrodite who underwent a sex change operation in 1998 to be become a female, Dione Kaeo-Tomaselli sued the Hawaii Department of Public Safety for violating her civil rights. In 2009, Kaeo-Tomaselli was sentenced to 10 years in prison, for a crime that she (or he) wouldn’t specify. Upon the arrest, he was placed in a men’s prison where he was raped.  According to reports, “she (or he)  was sexually assaulted by an inmate during her first week in prison, and was being transferred to the Women's Community Correctional Center 2 months later, where she remains. Dione Kae-Tomaselli is seeking punitive damages for, “cruel and unusual punishment, gross negligence, deliberate indifference, sexual assault and battery and negligent infliction of emotional stress”.

Warming Fish Stew Recipes For your Winter

Stews were maybe considered one of the very first sort of meals mankind ever invented, but they stay a favorite due their simplicity and scope for customization. Typically built with meat although, fish stews are a much less well-known however nevertheless delicious alternative. If you've by no means experimented with a fish stew, then now's the time with winter coming! Warm yourself this winter with considered one of these delicious fish stews.

Photo: Tiny Bites

Canadian Fish Stew:
The Canadian seafood offers this recipe it is namesake, but obviously you may use your individual native varieties as an alternative. I certainly couldn't inform difference. For this recipe you will require:
  • two oz of butter
  • one sliced carrot
  • one minced onion
  • one stick of celery, minced
  • 12 cooked Canadian muscles
  • 12 Canadian oysters
  • 9 oz of white fish (whatever is your favorite)
  • 9 oz of Canadian shrimp
  • 30 ml of Brandy
  • 60 ml of tomato sauce
  • 125 ml of white wine
  • one tbsp of Canadian mustard seed
  • 250 ml of fresh cream
  • one sprig of Parsley, minced
  • Cayenne pepper to style
  • Lemon juice to style

For that white sauce:
  • four.5 oz butter
  • two oz of flour
  • one tbsp salt
  • four cups milk

That was loads of ingredients, wasn't it? Superior job on acquiring them all collectively. You are going to want a big pan as well, obviously.

Commence with all the white sauce as you will want it within the stew. It is effortless however - within a tiny pan, melt the butter then add flour and salt. Pour the milk in slowly and stir constantly. Set aside.

Now on on the stew - melt the butter then fry every one of the chopped and sliced vegetables a minor. Chop the shellfish and add for the pan. Add the brandy and flambe in case you can, if not do not be concerned an excessive amount of about that.

Up coming add the tomato sauce, wine, mustard as well as the white sauce you by now manufactured. Convey that all on the boil. Add the cream, at the same time since the parsley and as significantly cayenne pepper as you feel is superior. Mix a minor salt, pepper and lemon juice to style, and serve when the consistency is very good.

Tuna Stew:
This 1 is actually a whole lot less complicated, I understand if the ingredients record for that Canadian fish stew looked a little daunting. You'll want to be ready to generate this from what's from the pantry, so it is great for when you've inevitably been snowed in about the Winter months - as I am now!

You may want:
  • two cans of Tuna, any sort will do.
  • 1/2 onion, minced
  • two tomatoes
  • two green peppers
  • one substantial carrot, diced
  • one big potato, diced
  • 1/2 cup tomato puree
  • Salt, oregano and pepper to style
Honestly, this one particular is simple after you've accomplished every one of the mincing. Get started by stir-frying the tomatoes, onion and peppers within a tiny oil. Add some h2o, then the potatoes and carrot, the tomato puree as well as the oregano. Simmer for 20 minutes.

Nearly performed. After the 20 minutes is up, add the tuna, and simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Completed! Serve with some fresh bread.

About the Author
To find out more about this topic, visit Canadian Living Recipes

[日本] 爆乳西田麻衣 Mai Nishida - 目眩神迷性感寫真

西田麻衣 (Mai Nishida)

19歲偶像女星西田麻衣於06年以泳裝模特身份出道,此後還出演過電視劇《魔法老師》,另外發行過《純情微笑》等不少寫真DVD作品,長相甜美,擁有F罩杯巨乳的西田麻衣在寫真模特界非常受歡迎,西田麻衣曾在藝能事務所Space Craft主辦的「泳裝偶像選拔賽2006」中獲得大獎,這位從大型選秀活動出道的18歲偶像新人最近剛剛拍攝了寫真DVD《麻衣,初次見面》,新作已於 2007/06/20日上市。西田麻衣發行最新寫真 性感浴衣暴露F罩杯。

[日本] DGC 2010年1月號 巨乳 Mai Nishida 西田麻衣
[日本] F罩杯巨乳Mai Nishida 西田麻衣 - 『このカラダ反則!』


[日本] 超正 Maomi Yuuki 優木まおみ寫真

Maomi Yuuki 優木まおみ

身長:165 cm
體重:47 kg
三圍:80[C] - 59 - 88 cm

[日本] 清涼泳裝正妹 Jun Natsukawa 夏川純

英文名:Jun Natsukawa
血 液 型:A型
出 身 地:東京
身  高:T 165cm
三圍尺寸:B85 W59 H85 S

The Hermaphrodite: Saira

The Owner of Saira, 'John Conchie' had no idea that his dog was born as a hermaphrodite. The 46 year old warehouse worker took his dog in for a check-up at the vet where he was told that she was born as a hermaphrodite. The vet's surgeon Richard Weston later revealed that he never encountered a canine hermaphrodite during his 30 years of practice in Wigan, Great Manchester. The vet's surgeon went on to share that, 'The animal came in for a routine check-up and after we did X-Rays, we found it had both male and female sexual organs'. It's being reported that it took two surgery sessions to remove Saira's male sex organs during a gender reassignment process and now the canine is living life as a female and can even birth puppies.

[日本] Kazusa Satou 爆乳火辣佐藤和沙性感寫真

Kazusa Satou 火辣 佐藤和沙
生年月日 1986年11月29日
出身地 愛知県
血液型 B型
身高 157
三圍 B:99 W:60 H:88 S:23.5
特技 お菓子作り
趣味 水泳、サッカー

佐藤和沙 爆乳縄跳び乳揺れ

[日本] AV女優 向阪美々Mimi Kousaka


英文名:Mimi Kousaka
出生: 1986年3月6日
身高: 151m
三圍: 88-59-87

[日本] 可愛又性感 川村由紀 Yukie Kawamura

中文名:川村ゆきえ 或 川村由紀

英文名:Yukie Kawamura

出生日期: 1986 年 01 月 23 日

出生地: 北海道



三圍: 90 60 87



Healthy Food For Teenagers

Healthy food is very important for the people belong to all age groups, especially kids and teens. Teenagers can neither called adults nor children. Therefore, it is very important to take the healthy food during your teenage so that later one can take the responsibility of the life. The parents of these teenagers have to be very careful while selecting the proper diet and food because the nutrition energy requirements of these teenagers are generally different and higher than the others age group people.

Photo: shemasti.com

  • Balance diet
The diet of a teenager should be balanced and must contain the proper combination of minerals, vitamin E, B, C, carbohydrate, protein, fiber, fat and a lot of fluid containing food and other liquids.

  • Protein
Protein is very important for the teenagers for the muscle and bone growth. Protein is the basic source of energy. There are several protein rich foods like milk, yoghurt, soya beans, cheese and low-fat milk. Also dry fruits are rich in protein and calcium and much needed for teen growth. Most importantly if the person is a vegetarian then the above foods are very important as they have no access to protein rich non vegetarian food. The other food which contains protein is chana, karamani, rajma and dal.
  • Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate is a very important substance for teen growth. Potato and milk are the main source of it, and another source includes maze, roasted grains, rice and wheat.
  • Fiber rich food
Teenagers need a lot of vitamins and fiber rich foods. The main source of fiber rich food is green vegetables, muffins, buns, wheat, corn, Apple, Orange, Green peas, strawberries and raspberries.
  • Iron
Iron is very important for the teenagers for strong muscle, bone formation. Their regular diet should have a good and balanced intake of the iron. In fact, teenager girls are in need of more iron than the boys as they loss iron during menstruation cycle. For non vegetarians red meat, especially fish is a good source of iron. Apart from that fortified cereals, pulse, green vegetables, beans and lentils are also rich iron sources. Along with the food which contains vitamin C like orange and lemon is very important for teen growth. Fruit juice, Raisins, dates are also a good source of iron.
  • Honey
Honey is one of the best food/liquids for teenagers. It is considered to be the best remedy of diarrhea when mixed with hot water. It is very helpful when taken in the morning with empathy stomach. Honey is also very important for curing the disease like cold, cough, sore throat and a skin related problems.
  • Lentils
This protein rich food is also fast to cook. It is often called as Hero foods because of the advantages it posses. It is extremely high in nutrition and calorie content. For those who love the spicy foods especially teenager lentils daal - a popular Indian food is often described as a friendly food.
  • Olive oil
The main benefit of olive oil is in his skin and hair treatment.

This is a full article which also published at article directories. Read more articles please visit ezinearticle.com.

[外國] 湯姆-克魯斯的女兒小蘇瑞 Suri Cruise

湯姆-克魯斯(Tom Cruise)與老婆凱蒂-霍爾姆斯(Katie Holmes)帶著女兒蘇瑞(Suri Cruise)到公園遊玩,女兒長得真是可愛,長大一定會有很多通告....

[日本] 性感爆乳南半球瀧澤乃南 Nonami Takizawa (42P大放送)

瀧澤乃南(Nonami Takizawa) 滝沢乃南
生年月日:1985年12月 14日
サイズ:T:155cm B:95cm W:59cm H:85cm S:23.5cm



[日本] 性感小兔裝爆乳瀧澤乃南 Nonami Takizawa
[日本] 爆乳護士裝 瀧澤乃南 (Nonami Takizawa)
[日本] 爆乳寫真女星 瀧澤乃南 Nonami Takizawa 日本女優, 爆乳寫真

[日本] 一些日本電視節目頻道養眼的畫面


[日本] Bejean On Line 封面人物火辣杉原杏璃 Anri Sugihara



杉原杏璃(1982年6月12日-)是一名出身自日本廣島縣的日本女藝人、水著女星,隸屬FITONE藝能公司。之前曾是ANIMAX及Stardust Promotion公司的旗下藝人。

英文名:Sugihara Anri
三圍:89(G CUP) - 59 - 80(cm)

[日本] G Cup 性感火辣爆乳杉原杏璃寫真套圖 Sugihara Anri
[image.tv] 2010.9月號 日本火辣美女杉原杏璃
[日本] Anri Sugihara 杉原杏璃 『密會』

[日本] 性感黑辣妹 RUMIKA 荒木優樹菜


別名: 荒木優樹菜
出生: 1990年4月12日
年齡: 20歳
出道地點: 日本・東京都
血型: A型
身高/體重: 160 cm / ― kg
三圍: 82 - 64 - 93 cm
杯罩: C

Update: The Hermaphrodite Chaz Bono

"I hope it's going to help change hearts and minds on this issue so that people can fully understand," -- The Hermaphrodite Chaz Bono reveals to Entertainment Tonight as he prepare to showcase a documentary about his transformation from female to male at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival.

Click here to watch his brief interview with Entertainment Tonight (ET).

Hermaphrodite: Lea T

"I will always feel uncomfortable, but it will make my life a little easier, and I will look in the mirror and see something I like more." ---The hermaphrodite Lea T reveals to many sources as she awaits her sexual reassignment surgery in Milan.

[日本] DGC 套圖 AV 女優冬月かえで(冬月楓、Fuyutsuki Kaede) 骨感美女

冬月かえで(冬月楓、Fuyutsuki Kaede)

生日: 1988.9.14
星座: 處女座
初體驗: ?
血型: A
身高(CM): 163
三圍: B84 W58 H84
罩杯: C
出生地: 大阪
興趣: 睡覺

Contents of Voodoo Packages

A 59 year old passenger arriving at Dulles International Airport in Virginia from Ghana en route to Maryland - on Dec 3 didn't make it through the Customs and Border control. The passenger's suitcase contained a hedgehog, elephant tails, chameleons, skins from genets (a catlike species indigenous to Africa), seed pods, sheets soaked with the blood of sacrificed chickens and a lot of soil and herbs. The passenger revealed to agents that these items were for spiritual purposes.

In 1937, Life Magazine ran a article entitled, "Black Haiti: Where Old Africa and the New World Meet" - this article provided nine steps on how to conduct a voodoo ritual. It also provides a clear understanding as to reasons why the 59 year old Ghana passenger was carrying such items into Maryland. Are members of a Voodoo cult residing somewhere in Maryland? The 59 year old passenger wasn't charged with any crimes; however, officials incinerated all of the items, except for the elephant tails, which violated endangered species laws. They were seized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Here are the first two steps on how to perform voodoo filled rituals depicted in the 1937 Life Magazine article:

Story Continues...

[日本] DGC 2010/09 AV 女優初音みのり Minori Hatsune

初音みのり Minori Hatsune

三圍:B89(H) W58 H85

[日本] 巨乳 AV 女優 Saki Ootsuka 大塚咲

大塚咲 (Saki Ootsuka)
胸圍:90cm 腰圍:56cm臀圍:86cm‧

[日本] 高學歷寫真美女 優木まおみ☆ Yuuki Maomi

優木まおみ☆ Yuuki Maomi

擁有31C、23、35,身高165公分好身材的優木真央美是日本知名的高學歷寫真女星,畢業於東京學藝大學。對於能在「名偵探柯南:天空的劫難 船」中配音,優木真央美表示「非常喜歡柯南,能參與演出真像作夢一樣。」而身為柯南愛好者的大橋望美,知道能為劇場版客串配音時,更是高興到跳起來。

除了有大橋望美、優木真央美客串配音,主題曲由創作型,實力堅強的四人團體GARNET CROW來助陣,當中主唱中村由利更因長相貌似林志玲而有「日版林志玲」之稱,擁有美麗外表之外,中村由利還有著寬廣的音域和充滿爆發力的歌聲,而且還會 作曲,是名實力派歌姬。

[日本] 可愛新人AV女優南ともか Minami Tomoka

出生日期 1989年3月11日(満20歳) Minami Tomoka
血型 O型陽性
星座 雙魚座
出身地 靜岡県靜岡
身高 160cm
三圍 B86(D-65)/W56/H85
愛好 烘焙,烹飪,化妝
最喜愛的男類型 熱情友好的
最喜歡的食物 糖果

The Hermaphrodite: Zeng Jing

A 20-year-old University student from Pengshui county, Chongqing Municipality has discovered that she was born as a hermaphrodite.

Comments from Zeng's roommates in college and information sought on the Internet encouraged the student to seek medical attention to validate her inner and outward appearance. As a result, Zeng and her mother attended a scheduled doctor’s appointment at Southwest Hospital where Dr. Lu Gensheng discovered that Zeng was born as a hermaphrodite.

Doctor Lu revealed to Zeng and her mother that Zeng has small breasts, small testis, no uterus, a vagina and a small penis.

Doctor Lu also shared that the student has the option to reshape her body into either male or female, but in either case she would never be fertile - meaning she cannot have children.

[日本] 性感巨乳 AV 女優秋山祥子

出生日期: 1989年 11月 22日
三圍: 35E、 23、 33
身高: 5呎 3吋


不過齋拍戲,唔玩吓噱頭,無論幾正斗,都會流失擁躉,所以公司就同秋山度了一條好橋,叫秋山去 Fans家做訪問,只要年滿 18歲,高中已經畢業,

The Hermaphrodites In Mexico: Muxe

"Men aren't allowed in the market [Juchitán market]..unless they're a muxe." Quoting: Natalia

Isabella Tree of the Guardian, travels to Mexico to discover that the majority of residents in the town of Juchitan were born as hermaphrodites [ Muxe] and if you're not born as a Muxe, you're not accepted in the town's popular market.

Click here the read more.

Story Continues...

[日本] 爆乳 J Cup AV 女優菅野さゆき Sayuki Kanno

所屬:Alice japan
發片:3/12‧新人×アリスJAPAN 菅野さゆき


Alice japan在三月推出的新人「菅野さゆき」(菅野Sayuki,菅野松雪)就是片商在找尋的類型:這位新人女優是先在去年年底的時候以一支「95J」的寫真出道(見上圖),為什麼取名「95J」呢?很簡單,那就是她的胸圍數字以及罩杯大小!

可以參考 AV NO 1:菅野さゆき‧新人×アリスJAPAN

Sayuki Kanno (菅野さゆき) DVD

The Benefits of Herbal Medicines and Treatment

In today's fast moving world when everyone is chasing the money and have no time for the health, the diseases are inevitable. Nowadays, we are hearing about the name of the diseases which were not even existed 5 to 10 years before. These new diseases created a number of new treatments and medicines, and almost all of these treatments are having their side effects. That is the reason now people are looking for a natural, herbal way of curing the disease.

People are looking for natural remedies instead of homeopathic, allopathic or any surgical curing process. These herbal medicines or treatments are not a new thing, but they are in existence from thousands of years. The main advantages of these medicines are that they are not having any kind of side effects at all unlike those of allopathic medicines. Unlike those fast healing medicines available in the market, herbal drugs may take some time to cure the disease, but it will not leave any kind of side effects. According to some market research companies, the market of herbal remedies is increasing by 25% a year, which is one of the fastest-growing in alternative health industry.

If you go back to history, herbal remedies are used in India, and China dates back to 2800 BC. And as nowadays people are getting health conscious, herbal remedies are again back in the trend. Unlike any other treatment process, herbal treatment process offers a natural, safe, without any side effect process of healing the disease.

The main advantages of herbal medicines are:

Herbal medicines are a way cheaper as compared to their allopathic or homeopathic counterpart. Also it is very safe to take the herbal medicines without the prescription of any Doctor unlike the other medicines. Also the main problem with regular allopathic or homeopathic medicines is that if you are taking these kind of medicines fora particular problem, for example, if you are taking any medicine for back pain, and now you are suffering from fever then you have to take a good precaution so that both of these medicines cannot be in conflict.

Herbal medicines do not follow under the category of drug instead they fall under the category of food. Herbal medicines can also be termed as a food supplement thus not subjected to the same kind of scientific prescription and inspection.

The main reason behind that the people are looking for these herbs that they are either this is dissatisfied with their regular kind of medicines/remedies, or they are suffering from some kind of side effect Ute these remedies.

However, the main problem with the herbal medicines is that the less numbers of companies are interested in the manufacturing herbal medicines. Thus it is sometimes difficult to find out the herbal medicine of a reputed company. However, this trend is changing rapidly and a lot of reputed companies are stepping into the manufacturing of herbal medicines.

This article also published at article directories. Read more articles please visit ezineArticles.com

[日本] 巨乳 Aki Hoshino 星野亞希(完全看不出來老化)

星野亞希 (Aki Hoshino) 的基本檔案:
英文名:Aki Hoshino

[日本] 漂亮臉蛋 星野亞希 (Aki Hoshino)
[日本] 巨乳 Aki Hoshino 星野亞希
[日本] Bomb.tv 2010.11 可愛巨乳星野亞希 (Aki Hoshino)

[日本] 身材火辣櫻木凜 Rin Sakuragi

英文名:Rin Sakuragi
身高: 158cm
三圍: B85-W57-H82(D Cup)
職業:AdultVideo Girl (AV 女優)


櫻木凜是一個08年出道新新女優,在KUKI發片,一出道就引起了影迷的追捧,也得到母公Rin Sakuragi司的大力支持,被稱為2008年最好的新人之一,同時也因為長得像立花裡子,被很多影迷稱為「翻版立花裡子」。櫻木凜妹妹確實是一個綜合素質很不錯的新人,她長得十分卡哇伊,而且從某些角度看確實很像立花裡子年輕版,櫻木凜妹妹有一雙很漂亮的大眼睛,眼睛形狀很美,而且眼神很能勾人,殺傷力較大。她的五官都很嬌小,臉蛋也很小,下巴較尖,看起來十分清純和養眼。身材方面,櫻木凜也是立花裡子的縮小版,她的身材比較瘦,胸部較為有形,尤其是兩條腿很纖細,身材比例極佳,皮膚也很白,

[日本] 爆乳相澤仁美 (Hitomi Aizawa) 泳裝寫真

相澤仁美 (Hitomi Aizawa)
身高 :T160cm
三圍 :B93cm W60cm H92cm(37-23.5-36.5)I Cup
生年月日 :1982.8.22
出身地 :東京都
血液型 :O

先前分享一篇: [日本] 爆乳性感美女 相澤 仁美 Hitomi Aizawa


[日本] 性感爆乳教師松金洋子 yoko Matsugane

英文名:yoko Matsugane
胸圍:H cup

2006年1月松金洋子離開了她的模特公司,但目前仍在發行DVD和寫真集。 她經常出席東京秋葉原區百貨公司宣傳她最新的DVD,並與觀眾拍照,以滿足她的擁躉們。

[日本] 爆乳 松金洋子 Yoko Matsugane 松金ようこ 性感火辣寫真
[日本] yoko Matsugane 爆乳女優松金洋子石澳倒奶

[日本] 可愛爆乳 Ourei Harada (原田桜憐)

姓名: Ourei Harada (原田桜憐)
身高/體重:158公分/ 不詳
三種尺寸:94 - 58 - 84厘米
胸罩大小:Ĵ CUP

The Hermaphrodite: Xiaomi

A couple who has been married for three years, Mr. Zhuang and Xiaomi, were recently informed that the wife, Xiaomi has been diagnosed as a male pseudo hermaphrodite.

Shortly after their marriage, the couple decided to become pregnant. After several failed attempts, Xiaomi confirmed that she never had a menstruation cycle and never reviewed this as a problem. After several visit with doctors, medical results revealed that Xiaomi has no uterus or ovary and that her chromosomes are 46XY - the ones that a male has.

Xiaomi's doctor have confirmed that she is a male pseudo hermaphrodite with external female genitalia and testis are present inside of her body.

Story Continues...

Update: Vivian Wheeler

Yep - test results have confirmed that 62 Year Old Vivian Wheeler is the biological mother of Richard Lorenc. Vivian was born as a hermaphrodite at birth, her mother asked doctors to remove her male genitals and at age five, she (or he) was sent to work in sideshows. These sideshows lead representatives from The Guinness Book of Records to recognized Vivian and her usual male contours and facial hairs. She (or he) has been noted in the Guinness Book as a female having grown the longest beard ever.

Vivian later married and had a son name Richard. Richard was taken from his mother when he was three years old and he became adopted at age seven.

Many years later, Richard sought out to find his biological mother and test results confirmd that his finding were accurate. Vivian Wheeler is the biological mother of Richard Lorenc...

Story Continues...

[日本] 巨乳 AV 女優蒼井空 Sora Aoi 性感寫真

蒼井空-Sora Aoi-av女優 蒼井そら個人小檔案

生 日:1983/11/11
血 型:B型
身 高:155cm
三 圍:87.58.83(F cup);又一說90.57.83(G cup)
出 生:東京都
興 趣:電影、撞球、插畫
喜 好:正常、背向位
其 他:15歲初體驗

[日本] 168公分高挑美女 海江田純子 Jyunko Kaieda

海江田純子 Jyunko Kaieda
三圍:B98 W56 H84

[日本] 大波妹 Hina Kawai 河合ヒナ K Cup

Name: Hina Kawai (河合 ヒナ)
Occupation: Singer, Dancer, Actress, Idol
生日: 21st July 1986
出生地: Hokkaido, Japan
身高: 163公分 (5ft 5in)
血型: O
Boobs: 100cm (K Cup)
Waist: 58cm
Hips: 88cm
Imperial: 39-23-35


The Most Famous Salad Recipes

Salad recipes usually comprises of some of the most familiar ingredients such as tomato, cucumber, lettuce and anything that can be consumed or effortlessly found in the household. Eggs, tuna, corn kernels, pineapple, capers, olives, and cheese are all usual salad ingredients.

Caesar salad
Photo: WordRidden

There is also some well-admired salads, that are famous all over the globe. Waldorf salad is one such salad that is an amalgamation of celery, apples, walnuts, and mayonnaise. The simplicity and luscious taste of this salad makes it exceptional.

Caesar salad is one more most popular salad recipe. The main ingredients of this salad are lettuce, capers, parmesan cheese, crispy croutons as well as many other food items. The main attraction of this salad is its creamy dressing. Variations of Caesar salad are made by adding chicken, anchovies or bacon, but the actual recipe does not include any of these ingredients.

How to Make Famous Salad Recipes At Home

If you feel like preparing any of the popular salad recipes at home then give it a try. A basic Waldorf salad is a good one to begin with. Simply cut celery and apple, mix in some walnuts, and put some mayonnaise and seasoning to taste. Waldorf salad can also be served as a side dish or it can even be filled in baked potatoes.

Creating your own salad recipes is also a nice option. Canned seafood including tuna, shrimps or crabmeat along with tomato puree and mayonnaise can make a nice combination for salad. A dash of whiskey and Worcestershire sauce can be added to make a delectable Marie rose dressing.

Boiled potatoes mixed with chopped onions, eggs, cream or mayonnaise, herb seasonings and anything that fascinates you, can be mixed to make a palatable salad dish.

Salad recipe
Photo: pointnshoot

Some easy salad recipes also call for pasta and rice combined with seasonings and mayonnaise. Chicken salad recipes are quite popular and if leftover cooked chicken is on hand then there are several styles of salads you can prepare with it the subsequent day. You can dish up chicken salad recipes as an appetizer, lside dish or even in suppers.

Salad recipes can be plain or fancy. It is not essential for you to be a professional in making salads, any beginner can also prepare salad recipes with little labors. For more salad recipes you can simply search the internet. Websites related to cooking are offering a comprehensive list of salad recipes as well as list of regular and exotic salad ingredients, so go ahead and become a salad pro.

About the Author
For more details on Salad Recipes please visit Salad Recipes. You may also take a look at some awesome Pasta Salad Recipes by visiting Pasta Salad Recipe.

[日本] 36 E 性感巨乳 Yuri Murakami 村上友梨(日本版林依晨)

村上友梨 Yuri Murakami

三圍:B79 W56 H79

17歲的她,身高168公分,三圍36E、23、33,去年在日本週刊《FLASH》舉辦的寫真女星甄選會「MISS FLASH 2009」獲亞軍。

[日本] 正妹 Rei Toda 戸田れい 性感制服

■姓名:戸田れいRei Toda

[日本] F Cup(罩杯) 可愛美少女 Ai 愛衣


Tasty Thanksgiving Recipe: Why not Celebrate with Healthy Food

Healthy Recipes on the eve of Thanksgiving...does this sound unusual as well as boring?

When we think of all the oily and health hazards recipes for example stuffed turkey, rich creamy sauce, the buttered mashed potatoes as well as the pumpkin pies, then the word healthy is not a good adjective to be used with them. So why not experiment with some unusual recipe which is nourishing and tasty too?

Photo: oldgoldandblack.com

In my family, Thanksgiving Day is a very auspicious day and we celebrate it in an enormous manner by welcoming our near and dear ones for the dinner. So for this Thanksgiving Day special, I have a few ideas. I like playing with several ingredients along with flavors. Don't worry.nothing new I am going to do.just few changes to the ordinary Thanksgiving dishes.

Here are a few changes which I have done in the common Thanksgiving Day menu:

Turkey: turkey is a delicacy and could be the appealing dish of your holiday meal or some other celebration for example Thanksgiving Day. Turkey is an extremely lean animal and contains less fat. But when it is basted in butter, it tends to be caloric as well as fatty food. So what Idid here, instead of butter, I used olive oils and baked it. This makes the turkey extremely tasty as well as healthy.

Bread: usually we use white flour for making bread. But I preferred to prepare with wheat flour and thus i serve the bread with baked turkey.

Good Gravy: you know gravy is one of the greatest culprits on the dinner table. Instead of using turkey drippings, i used the vegetable oil while making the gravy. You can also opt for preparing low-fat broth-based gravy or vegetarian gravy instead.

Dessert: dessert is considered to be the last but not the least course of the meal. Inspire of making pies and cheesecakes that are most often loaded with creams, nuts along with caramel, I thought of serving fresh cut fruits in a bowl.

Another modification I did in my Thanksgiving dinner menu is the utilization of leftover ham. With this left over ham, i made a new dish called as Swiss Rosti. Rosti is actually a Swiss potato pancake which can be served as a side dish but I used the ham and change it into an easy as well as mouth-watering Thanksgiving menu. We can truly enjoy the dish with boiled asparagus along with applesauce on the side.

This year it was not very difficult for me to create some new ideas in my family's Thanksgiving menu. I just made few variations and it was a hit. Go ahead and try your own invented ideas. This could be the way to impress your family and friends.

About the Author
Take a look at the free Thanksgiving Cookbooks. You can also take a look at some yummy apple recipes

[日本] 可愛爆乳Kana Tsugihara 次原佳奈

次原佳奈(Kana Tsugihara)


[日本] 巨乳 AV 女優 Azumi Harusaki 春咲あずみ


生 日:1986/07/08
血 型:巨蟹A型
三 圍:89.60.84(F cup)

春咲あずみ(春咲AZUMI),是KMP出身的女優,生來一副「童顏巨乳」的她,在出道的時是頗為看好能夠成為「蒼井そら」(蒼井空)的接班人,正因為條件不錯,所以沒多久KMP就把她和早乙女優、上戸あい(上戶愛)以及綾瀬メグ(綾瀨MEGU)等人組合成為2006年的「Million Angel」,而這正也是春咲あずみ未能發揮的原因。


[日本] AV 女優正妹 天海翼

三圍 /B85(E)/W60/H88
出身地 / 広島県」


[日本] 性感美女 Natsuko Tatsumi辰巳奈都子

■姓名: Natsuko Tatsumi辰巳奈都子

[日本] DGC 性感巨乳 青島あきな Akina Aoshima

青島あきな Akina Aoshima 宮崎產の誘惑巨乳

生 日:1987/03/04
血 型:AB型
身 高:160cm
三 圍:87.58.86(G cup)
出身地:日本・宮崎県 都城市

XVI. Akina Aoshima 胸部真是軟阿

青島あきな02 胸部都快露出來了

[日本] 巨乳晃阿晃 Ai Kawanaka 河中あい

英文名:Ai Kawanaka
三圍:B90(F CUP) W58 H85

Ai Kawanaka, swimming - 河中あい。水泳

LXXXVIII. Ai Kawanaka 巨乳晃阿晃

Healthy Food: Healthy Recipes intended for Kids

Every mother needs the very best for her/her kids. A nutritious diet since the start will certainly increase the child's energy for an extended run. One of the best suited options for giving a healthy start to the children is by offering quality foodstuff forever.

Photo: kidsrunning.com

The most recommended and first place to start is from the mother's breast milk. The solid or the conventional meals are a part of the day to day diet of a kid afterward. You ought to however ensure these diet programs are healthy and easy to make other than baby formulas.

Pasty foods are normally the only option when moving the kid on towards genuine foods. The usual nourishing food eaten by adults could be mashed properly to feed the kid easily. You are able to include ever more healthy recipes and fruits cooked of different fruits at this phase. Mashed pear, papaya and buttermilk squash are among the best fruits centered healthy recipes choices that are very simple to produce and even easier to digest.

After a while on feeding the kid on fruits, it is possible to shift onto cereals and vegetables. By this time the child stomach would have been taught sufficient for it to handle these foodstuff. You will find numerous healthy and simple recipes that can be specially made of cereals and vegetables for brood.

Without adding salt and sugar, you can make bananas in to porridges which are incredibly uncomplicated and thin and feed it to your child. As making especial recipes for the children, always remain in brains that your small baby is even now getting to know the traditional learning the basics eat and diet plan.

As they grow up it is possible to add organic chicken to the child's mashes. Organic Chicken is considered to be really healthy as they keep the nutrients in chicken bisque. Moreover, you aren't purported to feed your child the chicken directly.

Photo: parenting-skill-info.com

On the other hand, there are still some sort of foods which are stringently prohibited for the kid at this point of time. Meals like broccoli, cauliflower, onions and garlic are recognized to produce wind by filling the child with gas. So, just remember to keep your kids away from them.

Basically, the most impressive things you can do for your kids at this point of time in order to keep them healthy is always to feed them home cooked healthy foods. You can tell what exactly goes in to their food.

About the Author
For more information on healthy recipes please visit Healthy Recipes You may also have a peek at some fantastic video recipes by visiting Low Carb Recipes

[日本] AV 女優 Yukiko Suo 周防ゆきこ SOD 灰姑娘第一名

周防雪子,女,日文名周防ゆきこ,日本AV女優比賽SOD 灰姑娘第一屆(第1回シンデレラオーディショングランプリ)獲得第一名。
通過四回合的比賽,周防雪子和四名其它AV女優選手經過激烈爭奪,在四號退賽之後,雪子暫時領先。而在網路投票部分,總共21,230票中,周防雪子獲得了超過半數的12,880票,成為SOD 第一屆的灰姑娘。周防雪子Yukiko在2010年11月發行了首片個人AV片。

周防雪子獲第一屆的 SOD 灰姑娘第一名在四回合的試煉中,第一回合比的是演技力,由於 AV 當中女優常常要進行各種角色的扮演,是不是能稱職的詮釋不同的身份,成了一名出色 AV 女優的必要條件之一。

[國外]童顏巨乳越南妹 Elly Tran Ha 胸前也有『世界盃』(三) 共 50P

Elly Tran Ha

[日本] DGC 套圖 D cup 南半球 川村りか Rika Kawanmra

姓名:Rika Kawamura 川村りか
生日:October 10, 1985
身高:163 cm
三圍:B92 (D Cup) W60 H88

Heart Disease and Vegetarians

Regardless of what your causes of eating a more veggie diet plan, there's no question the most obvious health benefits which are based on the actual removal of red meat from your diet plan. On average, vegetarians possess lower quantity of a blood fats, ldl cholesterol as well as triglycerides compared to meat people associated with similar grow older and social status have. High amounts of blood fats are associated with an increased danger of cardiovascular disease.

Photo: azahar-sevilla.com

Lacto-ovo non-meat eaters, those who eat eggs as well as milk products, that have cholesterol-raising fatty foods as well as ldl cholesterol, have greater cholesterol levels than do vegans, because people who refrain from just about all pet foods are called. But actually among lacto-ovo vegetarians, levels of cholesterol are generally lower than they're amongst meat people.

Researchers have found which older males that eat beef six or more occasions a week tend to be twice as likely to die associated with heart disease because people who abstain from beef. Among middle-aged men, beef people had been four times more likely to endure the fatal cardiac arrest, based on the research. As for women, who are partly protected by their own the body's hormones and generally create cardiovascular disease later on in life than men do, the chance of deadly cardiovascular disease has been found to become reduce only one of the old vegetarians.

In an early in the eightys study in excess of ten,000 vegetarians and beef eaters, Uk researchers discovered that the much more beef eaten, the greater the chance of suffering heart disease. Though eliminating meat from the diet will probably lower your use of heart-damaging fats and cholesterol, replacing large amounts associated with high-fat milk products and cholesterol-rich eggs may negate the benefit. To glean the heart-saving benefits of vegetarianism, consumption of such foods as difficult cheese, cream cheese, ice cream and ova should be reasonable. As well as the development of more veggies, fruits and uncooked foods will certainly enhance the advantages of abstaining through consuming beef.

About the Author
Read more about diet and vitamins for impotence

[國外]童顏巨乳越南妹 Elly Tran Ha 胸前也有『世界盃』(二) 共 56P

近日,美國籍越南美女Elly Tran Ha性感動人的自拍照在網上流傳,一時紅遍了世界。這名16歲的美女是目前越南的第一Hot girl,據說她的性感和美麗,甚至能夠讓人忘記憂愁、忘記困擾……
Elly Tran Ha,暱稱Elly,美國籍的中越混血兒。出生於越南,2000年全家遷往上海,2005年與母親和弟弟移居美國。2009年8月,因一組流傳出的圖片而迅速躥紅全球網路。國外媒體稱其為Hot Vietnamese model,國內網友則親切的叫她越南版瑤瑤。
Elly Tran Ha

[大陸] 性感足球小辣妹小龍女彤彤 juliet



[日本] Web-net 清純正妹逢沢りな Rina Aizawa

逢澤莉娜(1991年7月28日-)是日本的女藝人、演員,出生於東京都,後來成為Box Corporation旗下女藝人。身高162cm,獅子座,血型O型。她曾在拍攝特攝作品《炎神戰隊轟音者》,飾演轟音黃(樓山早輝)。第87屆全日本高校足球大賽應援代言人

[日本] G Cup 性感火辣爆乳杉原杏璃寫真套圖 Sugihara Anri



杉原杏璃(1982年6月12日-)是一名出身自日本廣島縣的日本女藝人、水著女星,隸屬FITONE藝能公司。之前曾是ANIMAX及Stardust Promotion公司的旗下藝人。

英文名:Sugihara Anri
三圍:89(G CUP) - 59 - 80(cm)

[image.tv] 2010.9月號 日本火辣美女杉原杏璃
Anri Sugihara 杉原杏璃 『密會』

[國外] 性感辣妹 sexy girl


[大陸] 平面模特兒 Ivy 周薇性感寫真

平面模特兒Ivy 周薇部落格上透露拍攝的幾揖性感迷情寫真,可愛的粉紅寫真、黑色冷豔寫真、狂野豹紋性感、情迷私房照等…

姓名:小薇 IVY
三圍:87 64 87

The Eunuch

Schenectady Gazette April 9, 1986

Star News April 9, 1986

The Age April 6, 1986

[國外]童顏巨乳越南妹 Elly Tran Ha 胸前也有『世界盃』(一)

近日,美國籍越南美女Elly Tran Ha性感動人的自拍照在網上流傳,一時紅遍了世界。這名16歲的美女是目前越南的第一Hot girl,據說她的性感和美麗,甚至能夠讓人忘記憂愁、忘記困擾……
Elly Tran Ha,暱稱Elly,美國籍的中越混血兒。出生於越南,2000年全家遷往上海,2005年與母親和弟弟移居美國。2009年8月,因一組流傳出的圖片而迅速躥紅全球網路。國外媒體稱其為Hot Vietnamese model,國內網友則親切的叫她越南版瑤瑤。
Elly Tran Ha

[日本] Bomb.tv 四位美女合照小泉麻耶,奈津美,村上友梨,中村靜香


The Truth About Hermaphrodites

Frederick Daily Leader
January 24, 1974

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