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Healthy Organic Cooking

For natural and healthy organic cooking, try organic cooking with recipe ideas for tasty organic food, the natural and healthy way.

Why Cook Organic
By Diane L Bixler

There is no better reason to cook organic then for the main fact that it is so much healthier for you. Organic foods are free of man-made chemicals, poisons, and pesticides. The best food choices for your health are simple and fresh organic foods that are cooked to maintain their vital nutrients. When you eat organic, you are supporting not just your own health but also that of the eco-systems where the organic produce was raised.

Healthy Organic
Photo: flourish.org

Unlike commercial farms that typically focus on one or two commodities that strip the soil of vital nutrients, organic farms tend to grow a variety of crops. This helps to maintain the health and diversity of the soil. Organic farming methods make for sustainable agriculture that protects people (consumers and workers), environments, and wildlife from the harmful impact of dangerous chemicals. By supporting organic farming we create awareness in our community about the health and social benefits of green cuisine.

'Certified organic' means that the food item was grown in compliance with organic standards as set by one of the organic regulatory agencies.

Consider cooking more meals with ingredients that are cultivated with cleaner resources that require less maintenance. Fish caught in the wild use fewer resources and as long as they are caught in an ecologically sound way (i.e. one that prevents the incidences of by-catch), the process will not disturb natural ecosystems. Fish that are farmed in pens, like salmon, pollute the ocean environment with their own waste. Cultivating vegetable matter requires fewer resources on average than, say, producing meat, which requires immense amounts of water, grass, land, and labor.

Food is a gift from the earth to our bodies - we need it to stay alive, to play, to work, even sleep. When we choose quality, fresh, live food, we can accomplish extraordinary things every day. When we eat natural food grown with sunshine, we are putting long lasting 'clean' energy and life into our bodies.

green cuisine
Photo: Rheanna2

Most people readily associate green cuisine with cooking vegan or vegetable foods, but green cooking is more about cooking in a sustainable and socially responsible manner. Are you a pasta lover? If you use water, vegetable broth, or chicken stock to cook rice or pasta, try not to waste the excess by throwing it out-leftover broth makes an ideal base for a soup. You can even pour it into your houseplants which are as eager for organic nutrients as we are. The same goes for leftovers that can be fed to plants or composted just as easily.

Today you can use your outdoor space to create a level of self-sufficiency by growing your own herbs and vegetables. You don't need to be an expert gardener or have a massive garden or greenhouse to start making use of your own green fingers. Even apartment-dwellers will be amazed by how much green food can be grown in a relatively small space. All you need is a window-box, sunshine, and plenty of positive dedication-bon appetit!

When you purchase organic beef and other varieties of sustainable meat, you can rest assured that these are free from antibiotics or synthetic hormones, and that the animal grown to produce the meat was not fed genetically modified feed. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.

healthy life
Photo: bwsuk.org

Many people claim that organic food tastes better, and that they feel a noticeable boost in their overall health and energy level when the majority of the food they consume is organic. Great nutrition means maximizing on the freshest and most pure ingredients, drinking clean water, and listening to the feedback that your body gives you. It means eliminating or minimizing preservatives, synthetic chemicals, refined sugars, refined (empty) carbohydrates, saturated fats and acidic foods. It means being kind to ourselves and giving our bodies food that it can easily digest, only in quantities that it requires and which gives us the greatest possible energy for our busy and demanding lives.

Buy, cook and eat healthy, local, organic foods.

Consuming organic and/or fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains and water every day is the best advantage that you can give your body and your family.

Diane Bixlerhttp://www.organicspicesandmore.com/