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The Hermaphrodite: Laura Seara

Seara and Laura Cullen

The Socialists called today on the door of the High Court of Galicia Xustiza (TSXG) to file a complaint for what they consider a breach of the law of equality by the government of Alberto Núñez Feijoo. The PSdeG points to an "imbalance" between men and women.

Feijoo formed a Cabinet with conselleiros six men and four women. The PSOE considers that it complies with the proportionality of the sexes that makes the laws.
The parliamentary speaker, Xaquín Fernández Cullen, the head of Igualdade, Laura Seara, and the Xustiza, Beatriz Sestayo, moved the paper to TSXG by 'incumprimento da lei do by Governor Núñez Feijoo.

Socialists and nationalists made the point yesterday in a parliamentary committee. Beatriz Sestayo (PSdeG) indicated that Núñez Feijoo "in order to cumpridas even if rates in the area to be asexual or hermaphrodite." Ana Pontón (BNG) recalled that the law is very clear and specifies that neither sex should have less than 40% of the performance. Miranda Rodriguez (PP) defended the legality of the appointments.

Story Continues...

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