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Are you a voguer or a waacker?

"Voguing is a series of sharp poses inspired by Vogue magazine. And then waacking is a series of rotating arm movements. Both styles are similar to Bollywood and Thai dancing—arm movements and stuff like that" Quoting: Jojo Zolina

You see, just like the riots at stonewall, voguing was born in New York when a group of hermaphrodites were banned from attending a night club. Many hermaphrodites decided to take their "disco" fever underground. For some odd reason, the hermaphrodites music and dance moves were considered demonic - RIGHT.

In his voguing and waacking choreography, Jojo Zolina of Vancouver’s House of La Douche has drawn his inspiration from this 30-year-old underground movement.

“Those dancers responded to the music, they created a whole new language. More than a fad.” Quoting: Jojo Zolina

Tonight, The House of La Douche performs as part of Pride in Fashion at "Celebrities" Nightclub:

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