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The Hermaphrodite: Richard Ramsay or Renee Ramsay

Renee Ramsay (formerly known as Richard Ramsay), a 77-year-old Viet Nam veteran, has had a sex change operation and told CBS, “I’m as happy as any woman could be.” The sex change operation costs anywhere upwards of $20,000 and it took him four decades to save up the money.

The final process was to remove his genitals, which he did recently. Renee further told CBS, “Since I was about 13, I always knew something was different.” Currently, Renee Ramsay is the oldest person, ever, to have had a sex change operation. Before he changed his name to Renee, he was Richard. “It was weird cause as much as I wanted to dress like a lady, I didn't say anything. I knew if I did I would be discharged,” said the former Green Beret specialist.

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