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The Birth of Hermaphrodites Link to Incest....

“British medical men also considered it very likely that certain forms of hermaphroditism, including some types of hypospadias, would have a hereditary component to them, and so they quizzed hermaphrodites and their mothers about the condition of other members of the extended family. Some even went so far as to contact other medical doctors to ask them to track down, examine, and watch siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles. By 1909, swept up in the belief in the power of heredity, a member of the Galton Eugenics Laboratory at the University of London assembled pedigrees of families of hermaphrodites in an attempt to discern hereditary patters.”

Hermaphrodites and The Medical Invention of Sex
Alice Domurat Dreger
Edition illustrated
Harvard University Press, 1998
ISBN 0674001893, 9780674001893

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