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Larry King ‘Being Born In The Wrong Body, That’s Tragic’

“I wouldn’t know what it would be like to be born with the wrong body — that’s tragic,” King says about Arquette. “I wish her nothing but the best. I spoke to her [Bono] the other day. Told her how much I care for her, I like her a lot. Wish her nothing but the best.”

Give it up for legendary Grandpa Larry, who’s proving to be all the more hip by publicly showing his support for Chaz Bono and Alexis Arquette on Entertainment Tonight!

Somewhere a Grandpa has crapped himself.

After doing a panel on his show last night (which airs next Friday) about transgendered people, Larry hit up Spago where he confessed to cameras that Chaz’s story had touched him so much he called her personally!

Uh… Chaz it’s Larry King. Do you want to talk to him?

Not really, because Chaz isn’t doing any interviews… unless Oprah calls. Nobody can resist the gravitational pull of Oprah Winfrey.

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