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The Hermaphrodite: Josie or Joseph Romero

..For seven years, Joseph was raised as a boy. As soon as he turned eight, his parents switched his name to "Josie" and dressed him in female clothing.

Josie parents went on record to state that their child knew at age "four" that "he" was born in the wrong body and that he wanted to become a girl.

Despite Josie's outward appearance, he still has a male anatomy and one day he will request to undergo a sex change operation.

When Joseph or Josie turn 12, he will began the estrogen treatments, which will push his male body into a more feminine appearance.

According to Joseph's mother:

"When she was a toddler, she was always trying to turn her boy toys into girl toys. She used to take her army figures, wrap them up and rock them like a baby. As she grew older and started to talk, she always said: "I'm a girl. We used to correct her and say: "No you're a boy". But by the time she was four, she was insisting: "No I really am a girl". We started to realise she wasn't just playing. She would always correct anyone who called her a boy. She'd wrap one of my scarves around her waist to make a skirt. It was her favourite...."

Story Continues...