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Oprah Winfrey:

Oprah Winfrey reveals that her new movie with Tyler Perry, felt like a "modern-day Color Purple".

According to Oprah:

"It is now 24 years ago that we did that movie...Precious feels like a Celie who lives in Harlem. The story of abuse in our community and in many communities is still a taboo subject. The story and the arc of hope and possibility and empowerment is an evergreen, timeless story that I think this generation, the generation before us and many generations to come will also be entertained and inspired by. This story has no limitations...What struck me is that you can live in those circumstances and still find hope. You can’t do that on your own. Somebody has to show it to you. For me it was teachers."

Teachers? Did you retain your knowledge of incest through the Darwinism's research studies? Henry Ward Beecher's sex scandal? Eugenics? Sarah Blaffer Hrdy? Natural Selection? Is incest really "evergreen"?

It is important to note that, Oprah never included the book "Push" within the Oprah Winfrey Book Club because she felt that, people would think that she had lost her mind...

Instead, she's preparing to release this incest filled movie during the month in which "Thanksgiving" is celebrated.

To "Push" her film, she hired a few well known entertainers to ensure that people "will" come out to see this movie.

According to Tyler Perry:

"The character that Mo'Nique (the monstrous matriach) played is my father. I grew up in that situation, listening to those words being hurled by me. When Precious would flash out and be somewhere else in a happier place, it reminded me so much of the things I used to do. Because I could be in that hell and hearing it and not be there. I was somewhere else in a happier space. It was all those things that made me go 'I've got to be involved, I've got to be involved.' I think Precious found me actually."