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The Hermaphrodite: James Tiptree or Alice B. Sheldon

With all of these stories regarding intersexual and or hermaphrodite, there seems to be a pattern: Live life secret as the non-gender that appears on your birth certificate and then in your old, write your own tell all book. Then "shock" everyone, as you reveal "correct" gender that appears on your birth certificate and how you were able to decieve your "fans":

"Science fiction writer James Tiptree, Jr. earned the reputation of being a male author who understood women.

Tiptree's stories often addressed gender issues -- on Earth and in worlds beyond.

One story in particular involves a woman opting to live with an alien nation, for the sole reason of avoiding the feeling of confinement she has in her male-dominated society.

There was a deep secret behind Tiptree's sensitivity: In reality, he was a she. Alice B. Sheldon (1915 - 1987) used the male pen name to write in a time when male authors could expect more success in the realm of science fiction."

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