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The Truth About Hermaphrodites

We come now to consider another class of cases, namely, those in which the organs of generation are malformed, and in which therefore the determination of the question of sex is often difficult and sometimes impossible

It has occasionally happened that examination of such unfortunate creatures during life has wholly failed to decide the question of their sex, and that dissection was the only means for an unequivocal decision.”

To these malformed human beings the generic term hermaphrodites has been applied, and the condition is called hermaphrodism or hermaphroditism.”

Quoting: Frank Winthrop Draper

A Text-book of Legal Medicine
Year 1905
Page. 64


“The first, from my own observation, I will term a female hermaphrodite, as she wore female attire, and bore all the external marks of an attractive woman.”

She was about 20 years of age, rather pretty, and quite womanly, with beautiful blue eyes, a good complexion, and fair hair; her nose was rather masculine, and her mouth rough and large, with bad teeth; her chest was expansive, and her breasts well developed; the lower part of her legs slightly bowed and masculine. She possessed, in appearance at least, the organs of both sexes, but neither perfect: a small penis, an in a lad of 12 or 14 years, and testicles apparently developed; the yard was however not perforated. Underneath the testicles was what seemed to be a perfect female vestibule….”

Quoting: J. Michelet, L'Amour, Paris, 1861, P. 184

Catena librorum tacendorum, notes, by Pisanus Fraxi by Henry Spencer Ashbee
Frigidity, Polygamy, Incest, Fornication, Hermaphrodites
Year 1885
Page. xv

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