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Ricky Martin

Gay sex orgies, child abuse, drugs and booze are the shocking charges that exploded out of an investigation of the pop group Menudo, above.

As many as 15 young boys, all members of Menudo over the past 13 years, had been allegedly sexually abused by the men entrusted in their care, charges Bolivar Arellano, the group's former PR director

In fact, Ricky was careful enough over the years and he never expressly confirmed or infirmed his sexual orientation. The fact that he was never publicly seen in the company of any potential girlfriend didn't help, either. But back to the whole "out of the closet" routine. Who did the outing? Well, if I tell you his name, I'm pretty sure it won't mean as much as if I tell you that "skin-care guru" Ole Henriksen, who counts Ricky as a client, was interviewed by a Swedish magazine and was asked at some point who would he choose to spend a romantic vacation other than his partner. "I'd go for Stig T�fting (former Danish soccer player) but since he's straight, I'd say my client Ricky Martin" came the reply. You do the maths.

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